Character Sheet for Dewdrop
Very much in touch with current social and cultural norms
Wisdom, memory, and intelligence beyond any reasonable measure
Polite and caring
Loves 11th century bardic tunes, Beethoven, and house EDM
Likes to try out the local culture and food when able
Hates high yield explosive weaponry, especially nuclear weapons
feral dragoness
shimmering metallic blue scales
dark gray horns
slightly larger than Luna
wyvern - wing arms
cold blooded
magic includes:
Mastery of telepathy
Master of avatar creation, 5 feet tall or less, one at a time, 1 mile radius. she has a preference for female teenage anthro avatars
Decent telekinesis
Decent clairvoyance
Decent self transformation, but she is not able to generate a body for her transformations
Decent invisibility, yet radar can still see her. she has not realized this yet.