Sometimes when you hear about something new in the arctic region, you just gotta strap on your gear and head out, right? Despite the harsh conditions, he's having fun, and it looks like his goggles have picked up something interesting!
Most would call him a fool for traipsing in the snow barefoot, but Eggman isn't a normal human. Thanks to years of experimenting with Chaos Emeralds, he's got some enhancements. One of them being thermal resistance to his extremities. His hands and feet don't get cold or hot as easily as a regular person's. The freezing snow feels more like a brisk shallow river, and he can go for a few good hours before he'll feel anything. The gloves aren't even necessary, but they're fashionable!
I appreciate your concern, as a fellow Eggy connoisseur, but perhaps you should direct your attention to the description you either skimmed over or missed, which if you hadn't, would have absolved you of such concern?
I appreciate your concern, as a fellow Eggy connoisseur, but perhaps you should direct your attentio