Animator Igor and Astraligor are watching tv when the news broadcast was shown to them "we interrupt your daily progam for a more important message, carnival on Araguania has brought many araguanians in the streets of Niterio but unfortunally because of the pandemic on planet earth, the carnival on Brazil has been cancelled due to health and safety reasons on the entire population of earth, but here in adventurion mostly especific if you live in Araguania, the Araguanian Carnival Party must continue, anyway... good afternoon to all and let's cellebrate" astraligor says to his dad "dad, i never went to brazil on planet earth, how's igor's family during the pandemic?", "i dunno son, let's ask to him *initiates a interplanetary video call* hi igor how are you felling today?" asked animator igor, "it's kinda cool, also my sister is playing with her phone, anyway how's astraligor doing mr.wolfwood? he did any trouble in your world?", "oh hi mr.igor, i'm feeling great after you mentioned me" said astraligor, "hey guys, i have a question for you, in araguania which is an brazilian-like country, how do you cellebrate the carnival?" asked igor, "yeah, it's kinda simillar to your home planet *hears people cellebrating* oh, the Araguanian Carnival Party is about to begin, smell ya later igor", "smell ya!" said igor while the interplanetary video call ends, animator igor and astraligor paint themselves with body paint and started to cellebrate across the streets of Adventurius City, and the two had an incredible cellebration of their lives.
======================================================= anyway, i know it's too early for brazil carnival and i know it was cancelled due to pandemic, i wanted to do this because it's kinda fun (except the Brazil Carnival Party of 1998, to horrific to remember, i'm glad that i wasn't born before 1998), also don't worry cuz i didn't draw animator igor and astraligor's winkies so it's an SFW furry art