Astraligor the Brown Fox was about to adventure on amazon rainforest the largest jungle of the world. the brown fox have encountered Miracle the Cabbit and Waffles the Orange Cat, they finnaly met the son of the Adventurer Grand-Master Anthonitecus Lupussius (AGMAL for short) in person and they wanted to join astraligor's jungle adventure, they begged to him and he accepts it, astraligor takes off his clothes while both miracle and waffles takes them off as well, and they stared the adventure. Astraligor was the Adventurer Master since he's the leader of the adventuring trio, Miracle is the bashful and cautious because he doesn't want to get hurt and Waffles is the calm one expecting that nothing will go wrong on their adventure in amazon jungle. Astraligor Miracle and Waffles are walking for hours and hours, waffles stomach grows and miracle wants to take a piss but astraligor told them that the treasure don't wait and waffles starts to hallucinate by imagining his friends being food-shaped but before the show starts, astraligor found a tree full of amazonuts, the sweetest nuts of all amazon jungle, astraligor climbed on the said tree and collected the amazonuts, the adventuring trio has taken a lunch break and rested for two hours. astraligor has awaken and remembered that they slept for four hours so he awakes miracle and waffles to go back to the adventure to find the treasure, will astraligor along with miracle and waffles survive the large jungle? what they'll gonna do inside the jungle? find out tomorrow on... Adventures of Animator Igor and His Friends.
============================================================================== a gift that i made for