------------------------------------------------------------------------- > You Continued From (Clam and Re-centre yourself) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Return to the Beginning -------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ "He is just too strong" Ion started thinking to himself as he was on his knees breathing heavily from fending off Lazarus's attacks, "maybe challenging a dragon was not a good idea." Ion looked at the tall dragon standing just out in front of him as his voice boomed out once more "so do you yield?" Lazarus asked as Ion looked at him and then back to his two friends, Zephyr looked like he wanted Ion to concede but Flint barked back saying Ion could still do this, looking around at his surrounds now, Ion tried to figure out if he could continue the fight, he dropped his sword guarding one of Lazarus's attacks which was now laying on the ground behind the big dragon, if there was only a way grab it quickly and go on the offensive. Ion came to the conclusion where there was no way he would be able to grab it, leaving him with his lightning psynergy as his only weapon to continue with but Lazarus seamed to be ready for any lightning attack that Ion would throw his way as what should have been his ace in the hole was proving to be ineffective in the fight so far, Lazarus with his one previous dealing with Ion a while ago made him ready against Ion's specialty which was a dragon's weakness. "If there was only someway I can use my lightning more effectively, make him have to deal with constant currents" Ion thought, "if I had my sword, I could power bolts through it, I need a lightning sword." Then it hit him, psynergy was malleable, Ion even had been working on forming some sort of lightning bow with his psynergy to fire a bolt more precisely, what if he could conjure his bolts in the form of a sword? A blade of pure lightning, something Lazarus wouldn't be able to deal with so lightly, he needed to try something, anything, this was his best bet. Ion stood up and then closed his eyes, he pictured his sword in his mind as he started to form a bolt circle in his right hand, then with his left he shot a bolt down towards the circle, keeping his sword visually in his mind Ion tried forming the bolt to it's exact image. Flint, Zephyr and Lazarus all stood still in fascination of Ion's movements, Ion started lifting his hand as a hilt of a sword started pulling through the circle, the sword kept forming as Ion grabbed a hold of the handle and continued pulling, the circle getting smaller and smaller as the sword drew out it's length. A blue glow lit the air as Ion opened his eyes to see a sword composed of pure lightning sitting in his hand, "I did it!" Ion thought as his face lit up, "not exactly a replica of my sword, but it will do just fine!" he continued thinking as he started looking Lazarus in the eyes, "I hope you are ready for my second wind" ~
---------------------------------------- > Change the Tide of Battle ----------------------------------------