One wiped butt later and Zora was dressed in a pair of thick panties with hello kitty on the front of them, a light pink shirt and a jean skirt all that did nothing to hide the training panties when she bent over.
"Not really big on modesty here are you?" She asked nanny.
"well we could always have you going around in just diapers like Maxwell over there." Nanny said, pointing to a whimpering lion who's mane had clearly been shaved and was in nothing but a massively thick diaper that kept him from even crawling, so he had to scoot across the slick floor of the playroom on his butt.
the playroom itself was...interesting. the walls were painted to look like a grassy field outside and the floor had bright white tiles Zora guessed the lack of a carpet was with a bunch of diaper butts in here, who knew how often they'd be steam cleaning the rug, so made sense to her. there was three different changing tables for the different sizes of the creatures that could come though here, all stacked with diapers against the left far wall while on the right there was a series of potties.
'oh goody..I get to piss in front of a crowd.' Zora thought dryly, then nothing a fox girl hugging a stuffie and clearly wetting her pink pampers. '..Then again, maybe being allowed to potty is a privilege..'
the far south wall was lined from end to end with toy chests and from what Zora could see, almost any kinda of toy a 4 year old and under could ever want was there.
'You know, if I WAS a little doofus like these loser this would be freaking jackpot.' Zora thought.
the north side of the room was the entrance, though much like the crib room Zora had woken up in the doors only appeared at the nannies request.
"So, can I trust you to be a good girl and play nice?" Nanny asked, patting Zora's rump.
biting the inside of her cheek to keep from nailing the tin can with a megaton punch Zora forced a smile on her face.
"Of course!" she said out loud but then mentally added. 'not. Time to see what I can rig up for a prison break!'
As it turned out, doing the work of two people yourself was really fucking hard and Funk was quickly getting worn out as she tried to keep up with the rush.
she had made the mistake of saying she could handle the lunch rush by herself and told her boss not to call anyone in and now? She was fecking swamped and getting confused on orders.
ore then once she had barely caught herself as a urge to skunk spray almost took over as a customer was giving her a hard time but she forced a smile on her face and lowered her tail, all the time wondering if maybe she had bitten off a little bit more then she could chew.
Zora was by no mean's a tech wizard, but she reasoned that if she got enough of the toys with batteries and connected the wires, she could make some sorta EMP thingie and fry the nannies and maybe even the doors.
after all, if fucking Macgyver could pick computer locks with a tooth pick how hard could it be?!
As it turned out harder then it looked because she had to somehow get at the wires in the plastic, and most of the battle area's required a screwdriver to get into.
'ok.. well shit.. my claws can't pull this shit off..and looks like no one else who's claws could of still has them sharp.' Zora thought, looking at the fox girl, the lion cub, two kitties (a boy and girl) and a pup who were all staring back at her now. 'Hmm maybe if we all started to smash stuff and then zerg rushed..I can't be the ONLY one in here against her will!'
"Ladies and gentlemen and that techno colored rainbow in between! Lend me your ears!" Zora said, shutting the lid on one of the toy chests and then climbing up on top of it. "Are you really happy here, being forced to wear huggies and crap yourself? or is it likely this WHOLE place is just fucking bullshit, and you've had a mean parent, brother, sister, half cousin three times removed and put back once set you up for this?!" Zora cried out, getting looks of confusion and then amusement from the others.
"Raise a paw in the air and join me if you think this place is dumb and stupid and your ready to fight by my side, for pride, for honor! for FREEDOM!" Zora cried out, glad she had recently watched brave heart.
Looking down at her gathered audience she wanted for a the paws to shoot up, or at least any..and then the big babies turned away and went back to playing with their toys as the north side door opened and a less then pleased nanny came in.
"...Well cas ca fuck." Zora groaned, then hopped down and grabbed the first thing she could get her hands on.
If she was going down it wouldn't be without a fight!
her paw closed around the nearest object and she was swinging it like a battle club even as she registered from the softness that her weapon of choice had turned out to be a care bear stuffie.
as the attack bounced harmlessly off of the nanny who just folded it's arms and glared, Zora gulped and gave a sheepish smile, going with a movie series she had recently binged watched all of.
"Parley?" She squeaked out.
Grabbed by the ear and lead out of the room, cursing and swearing the whole time Zora took it to mean that no, Robotic nannies didn't follow the code.
Dirty, worn out and having a certain smell to her (though ironically not from her nature as a skunk but instead from a customer who had tossed his beer back in her face, the fact he was still alive was a direct to Funk's self control and desire to get promoted.) the skunk stood in line with everyone else as their boss, a golden retriever named Josh.
"Alright, I wanna thank all of you for your hard work, and the extra effort you've all been putting in since Mr. Loyd took off and left us shorthanded, a trait that apparently anther one of our staff members who shall not be named shares. Special thanks though to Funk for stepping up and taking on even more extra work today." Josh said, walking back and forth, looking snappy in his dark blue 3 piece suit.
"oh, it was nothing. I'll do my best to get a hold of you know who and I'm sure she'll have a wild story or two but then she'll be back here working." Funk said, almost saying Zora's name but a look from Josh cut her off.
"While that's very kind of you, you can just inform 'your friend' that she's capital S Suspended for a week, and if she pulls this again she'll be fired." Josh said, making Funk gulp and sweat drop.
'Oh balls, I didn't wanna get her in shit!' Funk thought.
"In any case.. I've thought long and hard over my choice for a new supervisor. Seeing the hard work you all put in made me realize that really, I can't afford to promote ANY of you and lose that behind the bar." Josh said getting mutters and looks of disbelief from the staff. "with that in mind, I've hired on my Nephew Malcore, he just finished collage and he'll be your new supervisor. please give him a warm welcome!"
As a semi mini me clone of Josh came out, smirking and waving, Funk could only scream and rant in her head over how unfair this was, and this was the most unjust thing ever!
'Who would just screw over someone like that and all for a lousy...job.. Oh man. I'm a bitch!' Funk thought having a heel realization. 'Eh, how bad could it be, I bet Zora's having lots of fun just being a big baby.'
with her rear burning like the burning of the sun and hurting worse then that time she'd been pushed butt first into a cactus, Zora was sobbing loudly as she stood in the corner of the padded room.
The nannies had NOT held anything back when spanking her tushie, that was for damn sure and since she had been deemed violent and a threat to herself and others, she'd lost her nursery privileges.
adding to her bucket of insults was the fact her potty mouth was being punished via a large bar of non toxic soap that had been cut into the shape of a pacifier and then strapped into her mouth.
after taking a few swings at the nanny she had earned herself what the robot called a time out shirt but it was totally a strait jacket, the steady leather material not letting body heat pass easily and she was already building up a sweat.
Her toasted bun's were on display but there was a very bulky diaper waiting for her after her time out, and the main motivator that had her being a somewhat good girl at the moment wasn't the threat of anther spanking but rather the MASSIVE enema bag they had on stand by if she gave any more total.
it was only one liltre but for Zora who had never had the 'pleasure' before, it might as well of been 10 and she was eager to avoid having anything forced up her back door.
with soap suds trailing down her chin she fought the urge to try and look over her shoulder and check the time, since Nanny bot had promised to restart her 20 minute time out if she didn't keep that nose in the corner and at this point she had no reason to doubt any of the threats made.
"and there, time out is over! good girl Zora! Come over here so we can get you in your diapie!" Nanny co'ed.
Given a chose between going around with her junk on display or getting a diaper on, Zora grudgingly picked the diaper, it wasn't like she couldn't be man handled for a padding anyways.
Thickly diapered and now crotch straps from the jacket going over her huggies, Zora whined a little and kept darting her eyes down to the paci in her mouth, trying to remind the nanny non verbally that she'd been told it would come out AFTER her time out.
"hmm? whats up little one?" Nanny asked, playing clueless as Zora whined around the soap paci, grimacing as it made the taste WORST.
"what's that, you WANNA keep your paci in? you LIKE being a little bubble breath?" Nanny asked, patting the top of Zora's head.
the bat's eyes went wide and a muffled fart was heard and she was shaking her head no over and over as the nanny laughed.
"Kidding! you organic's are just too easy sometimes." it said, and then undid the straps and carefully removing the soapy gag.
"That wasn't funny!' Zora whined, trying to glare and give a mean look, but then she hiccuped and a big soap bubble flew out of her mouth. "...Can i get something to eat please and thank you?" She asked in a defeated tone.
"One order of apples and banana's baby food coming up!" Nanny said, wiping Zora's suds covered chin.
"Oh yay, I'm sooo Giddy for it." Zora huffed.
"We can always change that to cabbage and prunes." the nanny chimed in.
"..I mean Yay! I'm So giddy for it!" Zora said, forcing a smile on her face.
"That's better. Oh, we'll have to make your din din quick, I've just been informed that your sister, the one who checked you in is coming to visit!" Nanny said, a part of the wall opening up and a LARGE jar of baby food and a spoon being the.
"...Is she now? I can't WAIT to see her." Zora said, venom in her tone.
the Bat had a pretty good idea who would set her up like this, but till she saw them, she couldn't be sure.
it was either Amber, a catty bitch (Both in race and attuide) or her stinker (in every meaning of the word) suposit best friend Funk.
Either way she was gonna get whoever showed up in SO much trouble, while proving she didn't belong here that the idea had her honestly grinning, a facial expression misread as legit eagerness for her num nums.
Freshly fired from her job after tearing a new one into josh and MAYBE giving Malcore a black eye that had made the pup wet himself, and likely having gotten Zora fired as well since the bat wouldn't be allowed out for at least anther week, Funk had returned home to get changed and having nothing else to do with the rest of her day decided to go visit the baby.
Since she had MAYBE pawned some of Zora's things to help pay for the week in baby land, only to find out it was cheaper then she thought, Funk wasn't hurting for cash at the moment and wasn't in too much of a hurry to try and get a new job.
'Heck, I might even go and see someone about working on my self control! I can always extend Zora's time in baby land and sell more of her shit!' Funk thought with a evil grin as she signed the guest log.
She wasn't too shocked to hear Zora had gotten herself put in one of the time out rooms, If anything the Bat had worse self control then Funk and as it had been proven, that was a harder then one might assume.
getting directions and being let in, Funk hadn't exactly been sure what she would see as she came in, but the sight of Zora with baby food in spots on her face, being cradled in a robots laugh and head over a towel as she was being burped wasn't it.
Zora locked eyes with her and went to yell something, though whatever it was came out as a massive belch instead and Funk wrinkled her nose at the smell.
"Why does your breath smell like a mixture of dish soap and a fruit platter?" She asked.
"Y-You! I'm gonna!" Zora growled and was squirming and trying to get out of the robot nanny's gripe, if her arms hadn't of been restrained she might of even had a chance!
as it was however all she could do was growl and snap her teeth at Funk until the nanny bot appenlty lost it's patience and gave Zora three hard swats on her amply padded backside, making a loud whomping noise.
Funk wouldn't of thought that could hurt with the size of the massive diaper butt Zora had but the howl that came out of her suggested otherwise, and was confirmed as Zora started to babble she was sowwy and would be good.
One brief calm down period later and Zora was let out of the strait jacket (which wasn't replaced so she was in just her huggies) and was given some crayons and paper to make pictures with as her 'big sister' talked with her.
trying to ignore the mounting pressure in her bowels, the baby food apparently had been 'enhanced' to promote lots of BM's, Zora focused on drawing put picture after picture of Funk suffering brutal deaths and felt herself calming down.
"Sooo..Rough day huh?" Funk said after a few minutes had passed and Zora made zero effort to talk to her.
"oh no, it's been gumdrop and ice cream all day long." Zora snarked, glaring at funk then adding extra stab wounds to the current picture.
"Well if it helps, my day kinda sucked too!" Funk said.
"Oh really?" Zora asked, voice dripping with sarcasm but Funk ignored it.
"Oh yeah, had to pick up your shift since know. and then had that prick from the law office across the street toss a beer on me.. then guess what? Josh went and hired his nephew as the supervisor!! Like How unfair is that?! After ALL my hard ever heard of something so unfa-" Funk was ranting, but got cut off as Zora tackled her to the ground, screaming and trying to choke her, only passing as the back of her diaper started to rapidly fill and puff out.
the Nanny was oddly slow to react and so with seconds to spare before her next punishment, Zora got the only revenge she could, and it was a fitting one.
She turned around as fast as she could and still going in her diaper, planted her butt on Funks face.
it might of earned her spending the rest of her time here in the time out room and she'd never be trusted without the strait jacket again..and MAN she'd gotten one hell of a spanking and the biggest enema ever.. but the memory of Funk panicking and crying for mommy under her smelly butt just warmed her heart.
the end