I. Never. Want. To. Draw. This. Stupid. Bird. AGAIN! D:
...but that's a story no one wants to read, so let's get on with this description (that, likewise, no one wants to read). ^^
This is the woodpecker from Yoram Gross's 'Dot and the Bunny' movie.
One-Cent ACO has referenced the aforementioned movie before (more than once ...and recently), but I (foolishly) wanted to draw the woodpecker ...so I did (because I do what I want). ^^
Anyway, the woodpecker serves absolutely no purpose, storywise, but does provide a delightful song, sung by Barbara Frawley (ie, the bunny).
The song is based on the poem 'Camouflage' by A.B. Paterson.
Beside the bare and beaten track of traveling flocks and herds The woodpecker went tapping on, the postman of the birds, "I've got a letter here," he said, "that no one's understood, Addressed as follows: 'To the bird that's like a piece of wood.'
And this is what I heard ("tappy-tappy-tap") From the postman of the birds
"The soldier bird got very cross--it wasn't meant for her; The spur-wing plover had a try to stab me with a spur: The jackass laughed, and said the thing was written for a lark. I think I'll chuck this postman job and take to stripping bark."
And this is what I heard ("tappy-tappy-tap") From the postman of the birds
Then all the birds for miles around came to lend a hand; They perched upon a broken limb as thick as they could stand, And just as old man eagle-hawk prepared to have his say, A portion of the broken limb got up and flew away.
Then, casting grammar to the winds, the postman said, "That's him!" The boo-book owl--he squats himself along a broken limb, And pokes his beak up like a stick; there's not a bird, I vow, Can tell you which is boo-book owl and which is broken bough
And this is what I heard ("tappy-tappy-tap") From the postman of the birds
"And that's the thing he calls his nest---his jerry-built affair-- A bunch of sticks across a fork; I'll leave his letter there. A cuckoo wouldn't use his nest, but what's the odds to him--- A bird that tries to imitate a piece of leaning limb!"
And this is what I heard From the postman of the birds This is what I heard From the postman of the birds,
"There's not a bird, there's not a bird, There's not a bird, I vow, Can tell you which is boo-book owl, And which is broken bough"
For those who don't get it, the woodpecker's tapping is being compared to (say) a postman knocking at one's door (to collect a COD, perhaps? ...yes I'm old enough to know what those are). The woodpecker is to deliver a letter, but he had difficulty finding its intended recipient (the boo-book owl).
Basically, the bird is supposed to look like the tree it's sitting on (hence the woodpecker couldn't find it ...until it moved). ^^
I don't often feature mechanical pencils, as I've repented from using them in place of wooden ones (I used to draw everything with a Kuru-Toga). This one, however, I really like!
The featured pencil is a Victory Mail or V-Mail pencil in American-patriotic colors! The pencil has an unusual triangular barrel, making it comfortable to write long letters with (not that V-Mail letters could be very long-worded, but whatever). Moreover, this pencil still writes, albeit, with a hard lead (it's probably a #3 or #4). That said, I'm unsure how much lead is left in it, or if it can be refilled, so I'm not going to use it.
...Anyway, yeah, in case my pencil collection hasn't clued anyone in yet, I have a thing for WWII pencils; it's my favorite pencil era.
(Repeats above viewers comments) And they're also right in that you did him justice! :D
I can understand your not liking mechanicals. They can be truly pains in the buttocks when they want but they do serve a purpose *for me at least) as they're convenient to carry when your out and about. I'd be interested to see what other mechanicals you DO have since NOW I'll have to check MY stash and see what ones I'VE got to share. (yes still working on my collection pictures to send. Haven't forgotten. :) )
(Repeats above viewers comments) And they're also right in that you did him justice! :D I can und
For whatever reason, i couldn't figure this bird out; it's pattern was doing something to my autistic brain, so I had to draw the character in a literal way---basically 'drawing what I saw'; I couldn't change the pose if I wanted to (I can draw birds, I just couldn't do THIS bird). :P
For comparison, my drawings of The Hex Girls and Nastina were my first attempts at the respective characters (who are much more complex than this bird). This bird? You're looking at my eighth try! D:
Knife has many a pencil. :3 lol
You may be one of those collectors who has a drawers full of Eagle Rameses and Ebenezer Woods. lol
Miss Ice Cream technically did a better job than I: https://sta.sh/02fj52cfupw2 For whatever reason
wow that's cool! I'll defer to your knowledge cause to me it looks Egyptian. Maybe because it looks like that I'd say Victorian? They had a thing about ancient Egypt back in the day.
wow that's cool! I'll defer to your knowledge cause to me it looks Egyptian. Maybe because it looks
Very much so. It was a big thing to discover new tombs and such. Only recently have the Middle Eastern Govs realized just how much of their heritage and treasures ended up in foreign museums and private collections.
Very much so. It was a big thing to discover new tombs and such. Only recently have the Middle East
A tapered SQUARE pencil with a pyramid eraser! That's NEAT! Is the lead square too or round. Cause if it's square it would be the perfect sketch pencil! :D
A tapered SQUARE pencil with a pyramid eraser! That's NEAT! Is the lead square too or round. Cause
That said, I managed to win one in an auction, albeit, I suspected my opponent was a shill. After winning, I contacted the seller about this (not in an accusing way), and they cancelled the sale and 'banned' me ...so I guess my cynicism paid off.
I'm unsure; I've not handled a Rameses. That said, I managed to win one in an auction, albeit, I su