Sunshine laid curled up in his makeshift nest, cuddling Ivory close and grooming them as if they were a baby. It seemed as if he recognized the little Chao and was protecting them along with the burrow he had claimed, now clearly way more pregnant than he had been at the beginning of the night as his parental instincts were kicking in while his stomach grew at a much quicker pace than it should be.
Ivory yawns and rubs their eyes with their small paws, snuggling into Sunshine's fluffy chest and dozing off, feeling safe in their transformed owner's protective arms. Sunshine's fluffy tail wags happily as he gently grooms Ivory, who he had mistaken for his child due to their familiar scent. His ears stand up and twitch when he hears voices calling out for him again, although the meaning of those words were lost on him in this form, causing him to bare his teeth and growl in an attempt to scare off the possible threat to his burrow and Chao.
The werehog nudges Ivory behind him before cautiously peeking his head out of the burrow, only to come face to face with his husband and their children.
Sunshine groans softly when he's awoken the next morning by beams of sunlight shining down across his face, causing him to raise a hand to shield his eyes before opening them and looking around in confusion. He didn't recognize this place, what had happened last night? The last thing he remembered before waking up here was looking up at the moon and an intense feeling of unease washing over him before blacking out.
He blinks the sleep from his eyes and sits up, being careful not to wake Starlight or the kids as they slept beside him. Ivory was curled up peacefully in Pandora's arms, still sound asleep with a small smile on their face.
Sunshine smiles himself when he sees that his family was safe and sleeping peacefully despite their strange location, he rests a hand on his stomach when his baby moves and kicks gently. He looks confused and gazes down at himself when he notices the sudden growth spurt his unborn child had gone through since last night's events.
"What the hell...?"