A loud howl echoes through the nearly empty streets, rattling the windows of houses close by as the sound faded into the nearby forest.
Sunshine ran, where exactly he was headed unknown even to his own foggy mind, all he knew was that he felt like he had to run. The now large and fluffy creature let his legs take him wherever his subconscious wanted to go, hoping that wherever he was going was close as he soon found himself panting heavily to catch his breath as he dodged and ducked around trees and roots to reach his mystery destination.
His ears twitch and swivel at the sounds of multiple voices calling out for him but he couldn't remember who the familiar voices belonged to. He kept running until he found what appeared to be an abandoned burrow or den of some sort in the ground at the edge of a vaguely familiar clearing, this was the place he was looking for. Home.
Not much later, Sunshine was curled up in a small pile of leaves and grass that he had collected and dragged down into his newly claimed burrow as a nest of sorts, seeming more relaxed as he gently poked and prodded at his stomach to provoke a reaction out of his unborn child and smiling when he received a kick or little punch in response.
Unbeknownst to the semi-aware werehog, his rounded belly had slightly increased in size since he transformed and was slowly swelling more and more as the night went on. It seems like his new form was effecting the speed of his baby's development, shortening the length of the rest of his pregnancy, but by how much is unknown until he was back to his normal form again.
"Chao? Chaooo!" Sunshine's ears stand up at the sound of Ivory chirping and calling out, trying to find him. He backs up farther toward the back of his burrow, growling softly and shielding his stomach with his fluffy tail to protect his baby.
The werehog sniffs the air to try and identify who was lingering near the entrance of the burrow, recognizing the Chao's scent he cautiously approaches until he was just barely peeking out into the chilly night air. Eyes locked on the small white creature that was standing in the grass a few feet from him, Sunshine takes a few careful steps toward Ivory to investigate his familiar scent.