The autumn air was chilly and damp and the moon was hidden behind patchy grey clouds on Halloween night while Sunshine and Starlight were out taking their children trick-or-treating for the first time. The two kids were having the time of their lives as they went from house to house to receive handfuls of candy while their pregnant father was trudging along miserably after them, his back and swollen feet aching with each step as he walks beside his husband.
"One more house before it's time to go home, Daddy and the baby are getting tired" Sunshine calls out to Sol and Pandora, his words going mostly unheard due to the excited chattering and giggling coming from the kids as they planned on how they would split the sweets they had gathered throughout the night. The pregnant hedgehog takes his blue furred husband's hand as an uneasy feeling washes over him, causing Ivory to let out a concerned chirp and nuzzle against his cheek.
"Don't worry, Ivory. I'm alright" The hedgehog tells them "I just have a weird feeling about tonight, I'm sure it's nothing" He assures his pumpkin costume clad Chao as the family approaches what would hopefully be the final house of the night. A sudden chill goes down Sunshine's spine as the moon peeks out from behind the clouds, casting an eerie glow upon the surrounding street and jack o lantern lit homes around them and causing his unsettled feeling to grow into almost an aching that was slowly spreading across his entire body, causing him to start shivering despite the warm fuzzy navy blue and grey hoodie and matching pants that he was wearing as his werehog costume.
Sunshine found himself feeling more and more uneasy as the night went on, but he said nothing about it so as to not ruin Pandora and Sol's very first Halloween with their family. Ivory seemed to notice how their owner was feeling and stayed close to comfort the hedgehog by resting on his shoulder and nuzzling their cheek against his.
"Okay kids, time to head home!" He calls out to the children, a hand resting on his aching back as the little hedgehog and rabbit run back to their parents. The clouds begin to clear and the moon emerges from behind them, causing Sunshine to freeze up and his body to start trembling as the moon shines down on them all.
"Daddy? Are you okay?" Sol asks anxiously, looking up at the taller hedgehog.