Early in the afternoon would find Empress the Snow Leopardess in a rowboat by herself, paddling out across the surface of the large and calm lake, her strong arm muscles helping her move at a steady pace. It didn't take her very long to find herself rather far out from shore, and she let her boat coast slowly to a relative stop, looking out over the surface of the lake as she pulled off the clothing she had on - Slipping her shirt and bra off to free her chest and strong abdomen, and then lowering her sweatpants and underwear to bare herself completely aside from her diving wristwatch. She folded the clothes neatly beside the towel she had brought, grabbing a pair of swim goggles and putting them on over her mismatch-colored eyes. There was nobody else out on the lake or even near the park, so she slowly stood up before diving off the boat and into the water of the lake.
The water was a little warm but still much cooler than the summer air was, quite a relief to the leopardess's insulated fur as she idly took a moment to let her naturally thick fur soak in the cool water while her long, snowy-white hair flowed in the water behind her. She remained here for a moment, simply taking a look around the vast expanse of bluish-green for a moment, before swimming back to the surface. She was breathing steadily, having rather high stamina from her years of drumming, and after a few seconds, she took a deep breath before diving back beneath the surface again and swimming downward. The water felt wonderful as always caressing her naked fur, her legs flutter-kicking as her powerful arms propelled her deeper beneath the surface, the ambient light gradually dimming the deeper she went while the water grew colder, but soon she would spot something ahead - The bottom of the lake, and more specifically, a little waterproof logbook she had set up on a sunken post.
Swimming to the book, she would gently open it to reveal a small list of dates and times, and after smiling a bit to herself, she would check her watch to mark down the current date and time beneath the last entry, slowly placing the book back down on the post once she was done before turning and swimming back upwards again, aided by the buoyancy of her lungful of air. She was starting to feel a little lightheaded by this point, but she just continued to swim with that triumphant smile, watching the ambient light growing brighter once more until she saw the silhouette of her boat overhead once more. Breaching the surface beside her boat, Empress exhaled hard and panted a moment, soon turning those fast panting breaths into slower and much more controlled breaths to regain her focus as she pulled herself back into her boat, shaking some of the water off of her limbs before grabbing her towel to dry herself off a little better. Her long thick hair continued to drip no matter how much she rubbed that towel along it, but she seemed not to really mind as she pulled her underwear and sweatpants back over her legs, leaving her tail out through the notch in the waistband in the very back. She then reclipped her bra over her chest and pulled her tank-top shirt back over her top half, looking down at the familiar pattern of light running through a prism and turning into a rainbow. The leopardess smiled to herself as she took a hold of her oars and began to row herself back to shore, happily triumphant with her free-diving activity this afternoon.