Wrote this little piece a couple years ago when i was sittin at the hair place gettin my fur trimmed, i swear that woman was flirtin with me, she kept playin with my ears and runnin her fingers through my hair more then most would o.O and she knew it was gettin to me >//////< but yea, i wrote this little diddy about her, gave her the original copy but that was before i edited it and re-wrote a few lines and added some more to it, so enjoy~ Critique is welcome, but try not to be too harsh, mkay?
And please, if i rated this wrong, just nudge me n let me know, don't chew my tail off, i'm not sure how the rating system works for poetry like this...
12 years, 9 months ago
12 Jun 2012 21:45 CEST
Initial: 0b02e50a453ed674045d27a1f3118752
Full Size: 0b02e50a453ed674045d27a1f3118752
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