After the first night as lovers,¨Klaue and Whisper were ambushed by their teammate, Tangle...
Tangle: Hehehehehe! Your night was very enjoyful, eh?
Klaue: What... TANGLE?!
Whisper: ...Do not tell me that she hear us?...
Tangle: Well, Whisp, your boyfriend have the power of sound as he make a hole in the rooftop and your howling was in the mix. How was your first time?
Whisper: ...
Whisper is red of shame.
Tangle: Please, Whisp do not be ashame about that. Be prideful, now you are a woman. Did you use protection? I do not want to see you with a puppy or kitten yet, there still a war. Im not ready to be an Aunt.
Klaue: Tangle...
Tangle: Im joking but is true. Klau-tten, buy a condom or you Whisp, buy a anti preg pills. I know that you need to be a Klaue Jr. for your House but your still young and you too, Whisp.
Klaue: I do not do that for that, Tangle. I do love Whisper. Whisper and I spoke about that, we do not ready for them. It going to be broke my heart more if I or Whisper died with a kid and worst we both died and leave them orphan.
Whisper: ...Yes, I too in that mentality. I planned to have kids but Im not ready to have them until we finish the war....
Tangle: At least you two are not Kinetix. Those 3 are Perverts... So after finish that, Do not mind if I join you guys?