Sesh had to wonder what was going on in the minds of these campers as their photos were taken. There were laughs, grins, silly expressions, all coupled with a lack of pants. He came across a picture of three Snakari, all in thongs, posing with their butts facing the camera. Another picture was of two Primis Snakari, flexing, tighty whities made more prominent from their scales and the lighting.
The corkboard of pictures in the scout office lodge certainly got Sesh thinking as he swept the meeting room floor with Iku, putting aside a game controller. Outside, he could hear some muffled voices, probably one of the scouts leading a group to do some nature trail or wildlife journalling. It got him wondering if sometimes during summer camp, if he himself would end up on that massive collection of photos.
"Eugh, I'm sweating buckets here, wait up for me, I'm changing my underwear," came a scout as the sound of the front door of the office was opened.
Crap, back to work. Sesh did not want to be caught slacking off and getting himself wedgied again. He had spent the morning picking it out from his ass, and dealing with the sting and he was certainly not into getting a second one. He got to sweeping, and for added safety, closed the meeting room door.