Seshruk could see this wasn't the only photo of its type on the corkboard, in fact, he had to put in effort to find a photo without some form of pantslessness or undress. Here they were, these men from camps years back, almost eager to showcase their ass or being yanked, now immortalized on the corkboard for laughs.
Half of these people were probably dads now.
"We can stare at it later, Sesh, we should hurry and sweep the place," Iku remarked.
"Yeah, I don't want Syrosi tugging my underwear...again."
Iku could only giggle, the two snakari campers getting back to cleaning the scout office lodge. For Sesh, he could at least relish in the comfort of staying in the comfort of air-conditioned coolness, even if he had to sweep the entire place in just his briefs and shoes. Iku knew this too, and busied himself even more, bending over to tackle a spot under a couch, tighty-whities making his ass all the more prominent.
Sesh could only hope Roh was doing fine back in their bunk.