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Alex Reynard In Vinyl
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AlexReynard's Scraps (168)

Alex Answers Your Questions 4

"I Love Having My Beliefs Challenged"
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You asked! I answered! I sat on my tuchus for two hours babbling, then went through in Audacity and cut out twenty full minutes of 'um's and silences and unintelligible stammering! So very glad I decided to edit this.

male 1,187,563, fox 246,892, rape 31,297, comedy 4,032, talking 2,549, audio 1,850, pedophilia 1,161, plushies 1,091, questions 443, answers 223, fetishes 168, racism 117, lulz 67, feminism 32, furi 14, michael bay 5, omnipotence 5, condoms filled with shit 1
Type: Music - Single Track
Published: 12 years, 7 months ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 7 months ago
Nice I'm going to be serenaded to sleep via Dr.Pepper burps and snarky babbling. Will let you know later what I think.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Dr.Pepper burps and snarky babbling.

My God, you've encapsulated my life in just six words!
12 years, 7 months ago
Dude...you're just...wow. Haha.

Also, where on earth is that burlap sack thing from?
12 years, 7 months ago
Also...I have some serious thoughts that came up while listening to this.

I heard you mention stuff about liking kid's shows, that Paprika was like "having concentrated fun injected into your eyeballs"...and it made me wonder, why have I never been able to enjoy something meant for an audience younger than me?

It's not exactly an issue of self-confidence or being "too cool", I've just...never been able to watch stuff like SpongeBob or MLP, ever. Whenever I see things that I apparently used to love as a kid, I just feel sort of...awkward and embarrassed, to a degree. (Bill Nye is an exception, though. Nothing can touch Bill fucking Nye.)

Plus...I can honestly say that I don't remember anything from my childhood. And that feels sort of sad.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Also, where on earth is that burlap sack thing from?

Popped out of me completely the fuck at random while I was testing the mic!

>It's not exactly an issue of self-confidence or being "too cool", I've just...never been able to watch stuff like SpongeBob or MLP, ever. Whenever I see things that I apparently used to love as a kid, I just feel sort of...awkward and embarrassed, to a degree.

That is odd. Is it like, the embarrassment is just too much? Or do you actively try to watch the show and just get no enjoyment out of it? I really can't say; it's your mind afterall.

>Plus...I can honestly say that I don't remember anything from my childhood. And that feels sort of sad.

I can completely understand! My childhood's full of holes and that tears me up enough as it is. I really wouldn't know why. Ever talked to a therapist? <shrug>
12 years, 7 months ago
My childhood isn't so much full of holes as haze. There's entire years where I know things happened, I have photos and awards that spark memories... but without those to remember by, there's nothing that I can find really memorable. Entire swaths of my life just breeze by in history with a scant few hours' worth of events that my stingy brain found worthy of long-term storage.

So rather than there being things deliberately blocked out by trauma, it's just a question of there having been anything important there to begin with.
12 years, 7 months ago
>So rather than there being things deliberately blocked out by trauma, it's just a question of there having been anything important there to begin with.

Lena shook her head, as if clearing away cobwebs. "I don't remember hardly anything of those days. Some of it's because I just don't want to. And some of it is because, um..." She stopped and tried to fit what she was thinking into words. "I guess it's like, if the same damn thing happens to you every day for years and years and years, then there's no memories to make. I'd get up, try to find some food in the garbage cans, and wait for mom to come home. That was it. What's there to remember?"
12 years, 7 months ago
Pretty much spot on, right there. Get up, go to school, eat lunch, sit through more class, come home, do homework, read a book, go to bed. The fun spots were where it was different, like going to the Science Center, or roller skating, or visiting the library (much more often than the other two), but even then there isn't enough of a framework to really cement those times in a timeline, just guesses. "Was that in third grade, or first, or fifth?"
12 years, 7 months ago
Same here: events will be remembered, but I'll have no clue where they fit in the overall timeline.
12 years, 7 months ago
I kinda felt that awkwardness and embarrassment over liking shows meant for younger kids, when I was in junior high and high school and would sometimes end up watching Nick Jr. on summer weekdays during the day.
12 years, 7 months ago
Perhaps you can't regress until you reach full emotional maturity. That'd be ironic.

Considering I'm graduating high school...later today, actually (sheesh, 1:25 in the morning right now), I don't think I'm anywhere close to mature.
12 years, 7 months ago
Wow, make me feel old. I graduated from high school nearly 12 years ago. (It'll be 12 years on the 20th, I think. Or maybe it was the 12th. I dunno.)
12 years, 7 months ago
>Perhaps you can't regress until you reach full emotional maturity. That'd be ironic.

Pardon me for butting in, but that feels really, really true. Like, you have to reach a point where you're stable enough with where you are that you can poke around in your past and still hold onto who you are in the present? Perhaps?
12 years, 7 months ago
That seems pretty true, actually...
12 years, 7 months ago
Death to feminists!

I love the SCP Foundation. I've read about 1200 of them and a few of them ave me nyctophobia for a couple weeks.

Wishes dun do anything? ;w;

Bats and pangolins, whee~

I hear human flesh tastes like veal.

I bet there were crazier things involving masturbation. >.>'

Good point in the pride parades. Never thought of it like that. There is not enough faggotry in media >.<


Die. Sponge Bob. Fucking. Die.

Yay I learned some things about writing from you~

Novel? OwO

Chaos must be the best friend ever.

<3<3<3 Bartleby <3<3<3

Kills a pope? Fuck now I wanna see it. I've refused thus far cause it's prolly gonna add to 2012 hysteria.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World was epic!

I suppose the author of My Immortal must be extremely talented. Cold someone really make such an epicly terrible fanfic without actively trying?

Feel free to eviscerate me if this annoyed you at all ^.^

12 years, 7 months ago
>Death to feminists!

Maybe not death. Maybe just whack them on the head with a rolled-up porno magazine and say, "Bad! Bad ideology!!"

>Wishes dun do anything? ;w;

Nope, sorry. Only actions.

>Bats and pangolins, whee~

Combine the two and you'd have a flying pinecone!

>I bet there were crazier things involving masturbation. >.>'

Huh. Possibly. Hadn't considered that. Although my usual masturbation ritual goes like this:
Think of weird things.

>Good point in the pride parades. Never thought of it like that. There is not enough faggotry in media >.<

Hee hee. I like how you said that.

>Die. Sponge Bob. Fucking. Die.

If it wasn't for Sandy, I would never watch that damn show.

>Chaos must be the best friend ever.

Pretty darn close! :3

>Kills a pope? Fuck now I wanna see it. I've refused thus far cause it's prolly gonna add to 2012 hysteria.

Actually, it seemed like the hysteria died down after the movie came out. I guess maybe people were forced to confront how silly the whole idea is.

>Scott Pilgrim Vs The World was epic!


>I suppose the author of My Immortal must be extremely talented. Cold someone really make such an epicly terrible fanfic without actively trying?

Never, ever assume that. My Immortal may be the worst one that easily comes to mind, but I've read some others... Oh god! I forgot about the abortion one!! XP

>Feel free to eviscerate me if this annoyed you at all ^.^

I was not annoyed, so I shall festoon you with ribbons!! <festoon>
12 years, 7 months ago
>Popped out of me completely the fuck at random while I was testing the mic!

Same with me and a dildo during a Skype call. :D

>That is odd. Is it like, the embarrassment is just too much? Or do you actively try to watch the show and just get no enjoyment out of it? I really can't say; it's your mind afterall.

Mm...it's more like...I feel out of place looking at anything not expressly meant for people my age and above. I mean, I will quote the "selling chocolate" episode from SpongeBob along with anyone, because those old ladies were hilarious. I'll also laugh at something -referencing- an old show. But not the actual thing itself. And I guess I intensely dislike MLP because of the fandom, for the most part. And the fact that it's just a bunch of silly jokes strung together with no real substance behind it, and all the characters are a Character Flaw + Attribute + Color Scheme. But it's hard to expect more from a kid's show.

Maybe I made myself grow up too fast because I didn't feel like I fit in with anyone my own age?

>I can completely understand! My childhood's full of holes and that tears me up enough as it is. I really wouldn't know why. Ever talked to a therapist? <shrug>

From what I can extract from my headbox, it wasn't really worth remembering. I was an angry child who didn't fit in. And eh...I personally don't think I'm nearly screwed up enough in the head to need therapy. I suppose hypnosis could help the most, as I have a feeling that I may have repressed some memories.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Same with me and a dildo during a Skype call. :D


>Mm...it's more like...I feel out of place looking at anything not expressly meant for people my age and above.
>And I guess I intensely dislike MLP because of the fandom, for the most part.

Both of those statements, taken together, illustrate to me that you might have a bad case of giving a shit what unimportant people think. It's a serious condition, but it can be treated. In regards to kid shows, do you want to watch them? Yes? Is there anyone else in the room, judging you for watching it? No? Then don't invent someone to do that. You have every right to like or dislike anything you damn well please without having to justify it to anyone.

As for not liking something because of its fandom? Come on, that's silly. You can ignore the fans and simply concentrate on the thing itself. For instance, I am a fan of Transformers and Joss Whedon. Apparently, Whedon fans have a reputation for being insufferable hipster douchebags. But I'd never know because I don't bother going to Whedon-related forums. I just watch the stuff he makes. and Transformers fans!? I have to expose myself to their presence in order to get news about upcoming toys, and they are the most eternally ungrateful little pussies I could ever imagine. ALWAYS complaining, no matter how much the toys consistently improve. But I love the toys, so I completely ignore the people.

Only my opinion matters about the things I like. Same for you.

>And the fact that it's just a bunch of silly jokes strung together with no real substance behind it, and all the characters are a Character Flaw + Attribute + Color Scheme. But it's hard to expect more from a kid's show.

How would you know when you don't watch the show?

>Maybe I made myself grow up too fast because I didn't feel like I fit in with anyone my own age?

You can always regress. No one's stopping you. The only people who will sneer at you for being childlike are the people who fell for the lie of 'growing up' and are too far gone to go back.

>From what I can extract from my headbox, it wasn't really worth remembering. I was an angry child who didn't fit in. And eh...I personally don't think I'm nearly screwed up enough in the head to need therapy. I suppose hypnosis could help the most, as I have a feeling that I may have repressed some memories.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Hypnosis is as likely to create memories as uncover them. I'd really stay away from that unless you can find a doctor who is specifically trained in recovering memories without implanting them.

Also, it's always worth examining you past. Your past experiences shaped your behavior now. Trying to change things without knowing why they happen is just treating symptoms without the cause.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Both of those statements, taken together, illustrate to me that you might have a bad case of giving a shit what unimportant people think. It's a serious condition, but it can be treated. In regards to kid shows, do you want to watch them? Yes? Is there anyone else in the room, judging you for watching it? No? Then don't invent someone to do that. You have every right to like or dislike anything you damn well please without having to justify it to anyone.

Well, I kind of don't really want to watch them in the first place. It just sort of feels like it's something I "should" enjoy, but don't.

>As for not liking something because of its fandom? Come on, that's silly. You can ignore the fans and simply concentrate on the thing itself. For instance, I am a fan of Transformers and Joss Whedon. Apparently, Whedon fans have a reputation for being insufferable hipster douchebags. But I'd never know because I don't bother going to Whedon-related forums. I just watch the stuff he makes. and Transformers fans!? I have to expose myself to their presence in order to get news about upcoming toys, and they are the most eternally ungrateful little pussies I could ever imagine. ALWAYS complaining, no matter how much the toys consistently improve. But I love the toys, so I completely ignore the people.

It's really, really hard to appreciate something you originally didn't much care for but didn't hate, when it's being overemphasized and shoved down your throat at every possibly opportunity, like a big pastel-colored schlong.

>How would you know when you don't watch the show?

I've seen a couple episodes. And I've heard people explain it. One of your friends actually gave a pretty succinct description.

>You can always regress. No one's stopping you. The only people who will sneer at you for being childlike are the people who fell for the lie of 'growing up' and are too far gone to go back.

But what if I have no desire to regress? I'm happy the way I am, I just...feel like I'm missing out by not liking these things that other people enjoy so much. The desire to be a kid again...it just isn't there.

>Also, it's always worth examining you past. Your past experiences shaped your behavior now. Trying to change things without knowing why they happen is just treating symptoms without the cause.

But I don't remember my past...and therefore wouldn't know how to examine it.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Well, I kind of don't really want to watch them in the first place. It just sort of feels like it's something I "should" enjoy, but don't.

Hm. I guess then, try to figure out whether that 'should' feeling is coming from within you or if it's what you assume others would think. <shrug>

>It's really, really hard to appreciate something you originally didn't much care for but didn't hate, when it's being overemphasized and shoved down your throat at every possibly opportunity, like a big pastel-colored schlong.

I guess it's just less difficult for me. Sure, there's times when, for instance, a TV station will run so many ads for a new show, it'll make me sick of it long before the program comes on. But if I really want to see it regardless, I'll just find a way to watch it online because screw them. ;)

>I've seen a couple episodes. And I've heard people explain it. One of your friends actually gave a pretty succinct description.

Allrighty. Fair enough.

>But what if I have no desire to regress? I'm happy the way I am, I just...feel like I'm missing out by not liking these things that other people enjoy so much. The desire to be a kid again...it just isn't there.

Allrighty. I think I got the opposite impression of you. I was thinking you wanted to enjoy more kids stuff but were having a hard time doing so. If you don't, there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't matter how many other people like or dislike something, you're under no obligation to follow them.

>But I don't remember my past...and therefore wouldn't know how to examine it.

Well, try poking around at the edges of what you do remember. It may spark some connections, I dunno. I'm not a therapist myself, I've just been to a lot of them! ;)
12 years, 7 months ago
>Allrighty. I think I got the opposite impression of you. I was thinking you wanted to enjoy more kids stuff but were having a hard time doing so. If you don't, there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't matter how many other people like or dislike something, you're under no obligation to follow them.

I suppose I just hate the idea of missing out on something that so many others seem to like, because I'm 'too mature' for it, or something similarly asinine.
12 years, 7 months ago
Doesn't sound like it. Sounds like you just genuinely don't enjoy it, and that's fine. I can't stand most sports, most social media, and all opera. We all have stuff we don't like. :)
12 years, 7 months ago
I was a little worried when you started my (serious) question since you'd already answered it, but then you started talking about what -got- you on that government assistance, and I learned more about you from that than I would have if you'd said, "I work for a computer company writing porn-generation software."
Thanks for that.

Was really cool listening to this whole thing. You often help me focus a lot of thoughts I've been having myself, and you make it so I can verbalize them in my own conversations without floundering for the right words.
Thanks for that even more.
12 years, 7 months ago
>I was a little worried when you started my (serious) question since you'd already answered it, but then you started talking about what -got- you on that government assistance, and I learned more about you from that than I would have if you'd said, "I work for a computer company writing porn-generation software." Thanks for that.

You're very welcome! There was a ime when I was too embarassed to admit some of what I said in that part. But now? Ehhhh. I remember having my 'I'm evil!' revelation a few months ago, and telling my closest friends with great trepidation. None of them minded a bit. I'm like, 'really!?' So, I guess, why should it bother me for anyone else to know?

>Was really cool listening to this whole thing. You often help me focus a lot of thoughts I've been having myself, and you make it so I can verbalize them in my own conversations without floundering for the right words. Thanks for that even more.

You're super welcome! A lot of that comes from taking a TON of thoughts about a topic, and just subjecting them to a gauntlet of arguments. Both friendly and unfriendly. Having the ideas attacked helps me shake away bad or unnecessary stuff. And constantly repeating my positions is excellent practice for condensing them, until you reach the purest heart of your point. I've likened it to grinding down a sword to sharpen it.
12 years, 7 months ago
>You're very welcome! There was a ime when I was too embarassed to admit some of what I said in that part. But now? Ehhhh. I remember having my 'I'm evil!' revelation a few months ago, and telling my closest friends with great trepidation. None of them minded a bit. I'm like, 'really!?' So, I guess, why should it bother me for anyone else to know?

Sounds just like a fetish confession story. ;)

>You're super welcome! A lot of that comes from taking a TON of thoughts about a topic, and just subjecting them to a gauntlet of arguments. Both friendly and unfriendly. Having the ideas attacked helps me shake away bad or unnecessary stuff. And constantly repeating my positions is excellent practice for condensing them, until you reach the purest heart of your point. I've likened it to grinding down a sword to sharpen it.

That makes sense. Kind of how I got better and better at explaining the same concepts in grammar to people after I helped a bunch of students through the same courses multiple times. Perhaps I'm just not lucky enough to have a lot of people I can share my deeper thoughts with as you can, and thus can't formulate concise ways of saying them. Maybe I'll go bug some people and force 'em into talking about this stuff. Haha. :3
12 years, 7 months ago
>Sounds just like a fetish confession story. ;)

Fetish confessions have been WAY easier! None of my friends have ever minded all the crazy-ass shit I fap to! :3

>That makes sense. Kind of how I got better and better at explaining the same concepts in grammar to people after I helped a bunch of students through the same courses multiple times. Perhaps I'm just not lucky enough to have a lot of people I can share my deeper thoughts with as you can, and thus can't formulate concise ways of saying them. Maybe I'll go bug some people and force 'em into talking about this stuff. Haha. :3

There's always someone online who wants to get into an argument, if you can just go find them!

Plus, writing essays helps a lot for me. Forcing my thoughts into sentence form helps focus them, plus I can read over what I've written and look for new connections or redundancies to eliminate.
12 years, 7 months ago
> Fetish confessions have been WAY easier! None of my friends have ever minded all the crazy-ass shit I fap to! :3

Oh, I'm sure. I just meant that the story sounded almost exactly the same. "I was worried about admitting it, so I told a couple people who would understand and they had no problem with it. Now I feel much better." I've heard that story many times and experienced it myself for fetish confessions. I think admitting things just has that sort of therapeutic effect.

> There's always someone online who wants to get into an argument, if you can just go find them!
Plus, writing essays helps a lot for me. Forcing my thoughts into sentence form helps focus them, plus I can read over what I've written and look for new connections or redundancies to eliminate.

Yeah. I've done some of that (got a -lot- of practice with the whole Cub Porn thing on FA, so I have the whole "freedom of expression applies to everything" argument down pretty well), so perhaps I need to find a way to rile myself up about something again. :P
Shall attempt writing stuff down too. Thanks for the suggestions. :)
12 years, 7 months ago
>Oh, I'm sure. I just meant that the story sounded almost exactly the same. "I was worried about admitting it, so I told a couple people who would understand and they had no problem with it. Now I feel much better." I've heard that story many times and experienced it myself for fetish confessions. I think admitting things just has that sort of therapeutic effect.

I'd definitely agree to that. It's sad how scared a lot of people are of telling the truth and being their real selves, because it feels so damn much better than covering everything in lies. (Also, this probably explains why the Catholics have been so successful getting people to confess to stuff.)

>so perhaps I need to find a way to rile myself up about something again. :P

Watch the fucking local teevee news. Something will piss you off within fifteen minutes; guaranteed.

>Shall attempt writing stuff down too. Thanks for the suggestions. :)

Also, keep in mind that you don't have to post everything you write. I write a lot of essays that no one ever sees, usually because I just don't feel like getting into a big discussion about it at the moment. I write the essay just to focus my thoughts on the matter, to get it the hell out of my head.
12 years, 7 months ago
> Watch the fucking local teevee news. Something will piss you off within fifteen minutes; guaranteed.

Actually, I've kind of stopped caring about what's on the TV. I read news stuff from time to time, but it doesn't piss me off anymore. I've realized that I can't affect any of that, so I'm going to focus on the good I -can- do, and just hold out mild hope that the bigger stuff will get better in the future because of it.

>Also, keep in mind that you don't have to post everything you write. I write a lot of essays that no one ever sees, usually because I just don't feel like getting into a big discussion about it at the moment. I write the essay just to focus my thoughts on the matter, to get it the hell out of my head.

Oh yeah. I'll probably post very little of it when I start writing stuff. It's meant for me anyway, not others.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Actually, I've kind of stopped caring about what's on the TV. I read news stuff from time to time, but it doesn't piss me off anymore. I've realized that I can't affect any of that, so I'm going to focus on the good I -can- do, and just hold out mild hope that the bigger stuff will get better in the future because of it.

I keep watching. For me it's like, 'Even if I can't change things, I can be aware of them. And I can learn from HOW events are reported on what the general pulse of society is.'
12 years, 7 months ago
>I keep watching. For me it's like, 'Even if I can't change things, I can be aware of them. And I can learn from HOW events are reported on what the general pulse of society is.'

I can understand that, and I actually get similar information from it when I do watch it. I just don't immerse myself in it if I can, and if I want information, I tend to turn to The Young Turks and such instead of the piss-poor journalists on TV.
12 years, 7 months ago
>and if I want information, I tend to turn to The Young Turks and such instead of the piss-poor journalists on TV.

Not at all a bad choice. I like them quite a bit too. I much prefer journalists who will admit to their biases than pretend 'every viewpoint is equally worthy of respect'. Plus, like Penn & Teller, they're biased but don't adhere to an agenda despite evidence.
12 years, 7 months ago
Exactly. Evidence is important. I just wish more journalists thought that's where the focus should be rather than on being "unbiased."
12 years, 7 months ago
Oh, I thought I should point out--the current version of Ubuntu Linux is named "Precise Pangolin".
12 years, 7 months ago
Actually, if 1+1=10 and 10+10=100, then 11+11 = 110. It's binary.

Even without binary, you can see that if 1+1=10, 1+10=11, and 10+10=100, then 11+11=1+10+1+10=1+1+10+10=10+100=110.
12 years, 7 months ago
Aw, Christ!! I didn't even notice that. I thought it was one of those ones where they try to make you say a wrong answer that follows a pattern.
Like, Say "silk" five times. Now, spell "silk." What do cows drink?
(My answer: human blood)
12 years, 7 months ago
Y'know... when they're calves, they DO drink milk... baby cows being the mammal that's actually SUPPOSED to drink cow's milk...
12 years, 7 months ago
Also, logically speaking, if instead of treating it as a math problem, we treat it as a logic problem:
If it were spoken "ten" and "one hundred" rather than written "10" and "100" then the binary/decimal confusion would not exist; it would be interpreted as decimal.
One of the principles of logic is the counterintuitive principle that a false statement can imply anything: The statement "A implies B" is false if and only if A is true and B is false. All other combinations of truth value for A and B result in the implication being true. So, for example, "If the capital of France is a banana, then I am a god" is a true statement. Since the antecedent "the capital of France is a banana" is false, we do not even need to evaluate the truth value of my godhood, because it does not matter to the evaluation of the truth value of the statement as a whole.

Long story short: If we treat it as decimal, then the statements as given are false and any answer you give will lead to the question-and-answer as a whole being true, whether it's right or not. "If 1+1=3, then 10+10=politician" is a true statement.

But yeah, it's probably meant to be binary. >:3
12 years, 7 months ago
Regarding baby cows: Good point!

>Long story short: If we treat it as decimal, then the statements as given are false and any answer you give will lead to the question-and-answer as a whole being true, whether it's right or not. "If 1+1=3, then 10+10=politician" is a true statement.

O.O I was barely able to follow that. I am not good with pure logic.
12 years, 7 months ago
ugh, bronies...     i cant stand them to be honest.     i have nothing against the SHOW...   i cant stand the hysteria that people have about it.   ive had encounters with people who are so hardcore about the show and so threatened, that simply saying that i didnt like the show resulted in them yelling and berating me so much that a chat room moderator had to be called in...

worst cliche i can suggest is Deus Ex Machina...     having something swoop in out of nowhere and save everyone is so horrible.   if you are planning on having that happen, you must build it up properly, provide both sides and HOW it happens.

hehehe thanks for explaining that Alfador!     it was binary..    i completely confused several coworkers with that statement as well...  even one who was wearing a binary joke tshirt.     you know, the one that says 'the world has 10 types of people, the ones who understand binary, and those who dont"

Thanks for the props on the fanfic!   i do wish that i could get my ass together and continue working on the second installment in the Interface series..   i do have an idea of where i want things to be taken.

omnisexual with a preference for cock?  :P

DL took you 2 years?     meep...    i dont feel as bad about not having worked on part 2 of Interface as much now...

actually, there are ways to render CG into cell-based imagry...      and flash-style animation would work VERY well as well, if you got an animator of quality like Cerberus/Tirrel...

yeah, that frying squiddies in the real world was laaaaaaame...    one of the things i hated about matrix reloaded

evil hippie hater.   :P

for your outro, all i have to say is Drink Drink Drink!
12 years, 7 months ago
>ive had encounters with people who are so hardcore about the show and so threatened, that simply saying that i didnt like the show resulted in them yelling and berating me so much that a chat room moderator had to be called in...

LOL! Yeah, I am none too fond of people who treat the show as the second coming of Christ. I think I'd actually have a lot of fun arguing with hardcore fans, because I like the show enough to have watched every episode, so I can point out legitimate weak points! Like how Feeling Pinkie Keen and Dragon Quest are the WORST-WRITTEN EPISODES OF THE ENTIRE SERIES.

>worst cliche i can suggest is Deus Ex Machina...     having something swoop in out of nowhere and save everyone is so horrible.   if you are planning on having that happen, you must build it up properly, provide both sides and HOW it happens.

Ooh, yes. Very agreed. I kinda like deus ex machinas sometimes, because in real life, weirdass lucky accidents sometimes do happen. They can be used to good effect if they're used sparingly and if they don't effect the main plot resolution too much.

I do wholeheartedly enjoy a well-foreshadowed D.E.M. though. Set it up very subtly in the early stages, then have it pop up in the end. At first the readers are like 'WTF!?', then they're all, 'That was waiting in the background the whole time! Holy shit!' Tee hee.

>i completely confused several coworkers with that statement as well...  even one who was wearing a binary joke tshirt.     you know, the one that says 'the world has 10 types of people, the ones who understand binary, and those who dont"


>i do have an idea of where i want things to be taken.

Very much looking forward to it! :)

>omnisexual with a preference for cock?  :P

Sounds close. I'll fantasize about anything, but there's few things I actually enjoy in real life.

>DL took you 2 years?     meep...    i dont feel as bad about not having worked on part 2 of Interface as much now...

Yeah, I had a nervous breakdown halfway through, and I just couldn't touch it for a whole year. That sucked.

>actually, there are ways to render CG into cell-based imagry...      and flash-style animation would work VERY well as well, if you got an animator of quality like Cerberus/Tirrel...

Good point! I often forget that My Little Pony is CG, since it usually looks too good to be Flash. Still, it's really stylized and hard-edged. I prefer a sketchier, drawn look. Oliver And Company is actually a pretty good example.

>yeah, that frying squiddies in the real world was laaaaaaame...    one of the things i hated about matrix reloaded

It helps a lot to watch Reloaded and Revolutions as a single uninterupted movie. I did that and understood MUCH more of what they were trying to do with it. Still, that squiddy part really undermined what they were trying to do. It should have either been followed up on plausibly, or cut out.

>evil hippie hater.   :P

Hippies are like moderate Christians: Good intentions - thinking - questioning beliefs = bad results.
12 years, 7 months ago
its been a good year since i worked on Interface 2...   i already showed you the first part, but im kinda stuck on the second, and may have to restart the part...   i might have written myself into a wall

If you have skype or something, i would love to have some input on the story and what i have so far, where to take things.  perhaps a little colaberation might get the juices flowing for both of us...
12 years, 7 months ago
>If you have skype or something, i would love to have some input on the story and what i have so far, where to take things.  perhaps a little colaberation might get the juices flowing for both of us...

<bites lip> I would love to be able to help out, but my schedule simply isn't that open. (It isn't you; I say this to all chat requests. Because I get A LOT of them.) If you want to ask me stuff in a PM, that's always fine though.
12 years, 7 months ago
Sometimes they actually have had to work scenes around a BUG IN FLASH that has been around for literally years, in all versions from student to professional, that prevents working on a file if it gets too large--the program starts to crash and corrupt even the saved file. This is why some Flash videos online are segmented--My Little Pony is SEVERELY segmented; I'd estimate every individual scene in an episode is a separate Flash file. Not just every setting--every camera cut.
12 years, 7 months ago
Makes sense. Especially in the shots with real dense backgrounds.
12 years, 7 months ago
Rick Santorum should get hit with a baggie full of santorum.
12 years, 7 months ago
Also on the subject of Bartleby stories, random thoughts I had.
At work, furtively jotted down on my phone during a boring conference call for a team I'm technically not on (I'm on the Encore 1.6 team while this was for Encore 1.23 YES IT'S THAT BAD): When Mrs. Schaddenfreude holds math class, she puts the noose in hypotenuse.

In bed just before falling asleep, forcing myself to run out to my phone so I could jot it down because I knew I would forget it otherwise--then the next morning coming across it and realizing that I HAD forgotten it and it would be lost forever if I hadn't written it down:
Lily and Thanophile live in Deathville. If I had a home in Hell, it would have a front door in Deathville, a seamless wall boundary that leads to another building, with the other front door being in...

Drum roll, please.

12 years, 7 months ago
>Rick Santorum should get hit with a baggie full of santorum.


>When Mrs. Schaddenfreude holds math class, she puts the noose in hypotenuse.

Hee hee hee hee! ^__^


Holy balls. It took me a moment to get that pun, and then I ROTFLed. That could, and should, be its own story. :)
12 years, 7 months ago
If I can manage it, you bet your ass it will be.
12 years, 7 months ago

And if you do finish, you bet your ass I'll be happy to proofread!
12 years, 7 months ago
*suddenly thought of a question that is too goofy not to ask* What 'do' you do with a drunken sailor?

about your mental disorders.......YOUR FEI FONG WONG, beware of ID!!!

[[*snickers* i wonder if you get it]]
12 years, 7 months ago
>*suddenly thought of a question that is too goofy not to ask* What 'do' you do with a drunken sailor?

Rape party.

>about your mental disorders.......YOUR FEI FONG WONG, beware of ID!!!

Just looked him up, and yep. Anime seems to have a lot of characters who have that kinda dual nature, or have to wrestle with an evil past. Casshern comes to mind. Or Drift from Transformers.
12 years, 7 months ago
I like to sleep too.

and OMG! I have to say this I love you.
the way that you pic apart the questions to find a deeper meaning to them.
the way your mind works......words fail me now.

You like Ponies too!
This right here proves just how F-ing good they are.
I know that it might have been my avatar that gave away that I was asking about MLP:FiM.
But I was think you might have thought I was talking about the real animal.
The way I see Brony is just a fan of the show.
so if you like it you are.
But that is Just me.
oh and H*** YA!
that fighting was so F***ing Awesome.
Did you See Pinkie with her Party Canon.
She just shoot them in the face.
On Using Twi as a Gun.
As My Fave Dash said best Wedding Ever!!
12 years, 7 months ago
>the way that you pic apart the questions to find a deeper meaning to them.
the way your mind works......words fail me now.

Thanks very much! I'm never content to just use someone's argument. I always want to see how much further down I can dig. It really is helpful to notice when you have a strong, negative emotional response to something, and then really work to find out *why* you feel that. Sometimes it's just you, and sometimes you're reacting to something that's deeply wrong but you can't put words to it yet.

>But I was think you might have thought I was talking about the real animal.

Naw. You can't say 'pony' on the internet without thinking about MLP:FIM.

>The way I see Brony is just a fan of the show. so if you like it you are.

How 'bout this: I wouldn't object if someone else called me one, but it's not how I'd think to describe myself.

>Did you See Pinkie with her Party Canon.

12 years, 7 months ago
In "Sweet and Elite", Pinkie Pie made a weapon into a party implement. Then in the season finale, she made it back into a weapon, WITHOUT CHANGING THE PAYLOAD.

Also I'm pretty sure she's a time goddess. We've already seen instances of there being multiple Pinkie Pies at once, or appearing long distances away faster than Rainbow Dash can fly. But the kicker is in "Cutie Mark Chronicles." Pinkie Pie starts telling the story of how she got her cutie mark, and ends by saying "And that's how Equestria was made!" The CMC assume she's just being Pinkie Pie random.

But in her flashback, there is no shadow on the moon. The only reason this could be is if Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark more than a thousand years ago. It is, in fact, possible that the entire story was in metaphor. A rock farm doesn't make a lot of sense... but there are analogies that could fit. A farm is where you place seeds in the ground and tend plants as they grow and develop to produce useful commodities. Tending rocks as they develop into useful commodities... puts me in mind of a smelting plant... or a nuclear breeder reactor. It's entirely possible that Pinkie Pie worked at a place that created fuel for interdimensional experiments. One day, an explosion happened at the nearby interdimensional research laboratory. Nobody knew what to do about it... and then Pinkie Pie decided to make this new world into a place of happiness and sunshine. A place for partying. Equestria.

The other time travel interpretation is that it was just a few thousand years ago and it was the day Princesses Celestia and Luna arrived in a Sonic Rainboom, to make the new land the Three Tribes colonized (as seen in "Hearth's Warming Eve") the way Equestria is today. That's why the Sonic Rainboom is the stuff of myth and legend--the last time it happened before Rainbow Dash was the day the goddesses arrived. And something absurd like a rock farm would make sense if Discord was still in charge...
12 years, 7 months ago
>Also I'm pretty sure she's a time goddess. We've already seen instances of there being multiple Pinkie Pies at once, or appearing long distances away faster than Rainbow Dash can fly.

Not necessarily discounting your other theories, but I have a simpler one. If we (begrudgingly) take her 'Pinkie sense' as canon, then all the other stuff makes sense too. If ponies come in three 'flavors', it makes sense there'd be the occasional mutation. It's possible Pinkie gots some latent unicorn magic, but no horn and no conscious ability to control it. Like a cartoon, it only works when she's so excited she doesn't realize she's doing it.

>That Princess Celestia spent a thousand years guiding an entire civilization along a certain path... just to make her sister happy.

That is not only plausible, but super sweet. :)
12 years, 7 months ago
" AlexReynard wrote:
Not necessarily discounting your other theories, but I have a simpler one. If we (begrudgingly) take her 'Pinkie sense' as canon, then all the other stuff makes sense too. If ponies come in three 'flavors', it makes sense there'd be the occasional mutation. It's possible Pinkie gots some latent unicorn magic, but no horn and no conscious ability to control it. Like a cartoon, it only works when she's so excited she doesn't realize she's doing it.

Laying aside the mutation theory (which I think is plausible), cross breeds (such as the Cakes... though I think that the REAL explanation is that Mr. Cake is just infertile and didn't want to admit that they got a sperm donor... because if you listen carefully to what relatives he claims, his explanation for the pegasus genes requires those genes to travel back in time across generations. "great aunt's second cousin twice removed" is in no way a direct ancestor.), and latent unicorn magic... who says Twilight has to be right about magic?

My theory is that earth ponies and pegasus ponies all have some kind of magic... it's just that for the most part, nopony THINKS of it as magic because unicorns have such obvious, direct control over magic.

Controlling weather. Walking on clouds--which Twilight can duplicate exactly with a spell. Causing the apples one bucks out of a tree to all fall precisely into baskets. Summoning a parade of townsfolk to all sing a song in perfect harmony. It's clear that while unicorns have direct, focused control over their magic through their horns, and pegasi use their bodies to exert magical control over weather and cloudshaping, earth ponies tend to have little or unconscious control over their magic.

This is why Pinkie Pie is a little bit crazy--weird time shit happens to her without her really thinking about it, and while she's gotten good at using it to her advantage through careful observation of the symptoms and effects of each version of Pinkie Sense, for the most part she just rolls with it, getting her timelooped self to perform rimshots, arriving ahead of Rainbow Dash, showing six hooves, etc. And if you had foreknowledge of the future that you had difficulty communicating, people would often jump to the conclusion that you must be crazy, too. "A parasprite? Are you crazy? Now I have to go find a tuba!"

After all, Zeek got sent to King's Orchard for being loco in the coco. :3

I fully expect that at some point after the episode, Princess Celestia sent Twilight a stern letter admonishing her for giving up on scientific observation so quickly. "It is indeed important to have faith in your friends, but that doesn't mean you can just turn your brain off and give up. Since you obviously don't have a book on the topic in the Ponyville library, here's the Canterlot Archives' copy of 'A Dissertation On The Unconscious Magicks of Earthen and Pegasus Pony Kinde, by Starswirl the Bearded'. I suggest you read it cover to cover."
12 years, 7 months ago
I haven'tt thought about this as deeply as you, but, regardless of if it's true, that's all thought-provoking stuff. :)
12 years, 7 months ago
I have this habit of making deep connections and theories about things that probably were not intended to be thought of in quite so much detail.

Another interesting connection: Granny Smith is at least 200 years old.

Exhibit A) According to "Family Appreciation Day", Granny Smith was a young filly during the founding of Ponyville, and her family was the first on the land.
Exhibit B) In "Winter Wrap Up", Twilight states that wrapping up winter without magic has been a Ponyville tradition for "hundreds of years." The smallest amount of time that qualifies as "hundreds of years" is 200. Therefore, Ponyville was founded at least 200 years ago.

We may make further estimations on Granny Smith's age based on how old Ponyville likely is given the medieval-style architecture of Canterlot in her flashback, but one important fact is this: Just like in Pinkie Pie's flashback, Granny Smith's shows the moon without Nightmare Moon's shadow... therefore, it happens at least one THOUSAND years before the series begins.

I actually didn't realize that when I started typing this out; I just looked up some images and verified by playing the video files... the flashback moon in both cases dates it as at least a thousand years in the past.

Even if we assume Pinkie Pie and Granny Smith traveled forward in time together from the past... they would likely have had to bring along Diamond Tiara's great grandfather, otherwise there'd be a whole lot more "great"s in there. (Alternate explanation for that one: "great grandfather/mother" is sometimes used as a shorthand for similar ancestral relationships of any number of generations... though usually when done this way, an ordinal eg. "second great grandparent = great great grandparent" is prefixed to avoid ambiguity.)

I think what's really sparked this kind of behavior is how rapidly one can do fact checking these days, with so much quick information available via the Internet. If I'd been relying on watching the show when it came on, and never recorded it on so much as a VHS tape, not only would I not be able to reach back and verify what I was saying, I might've missed one or the other episode entirely and thus not gotten the connection at all.

Alternate-alternate explanation, which isn't nearly as weird: The flashbacks aren't entirely accurate: the moon had the shadow, but since Pinkie and Granny don't describe it, the ponies simply imagine "the moon" as it is now, without the shadow... and Granny Smith may be misremembering her part in the founding of Ponyville, and may in fact be a later homesteader than the Winter Wrap Up tradition being established.

But what fun is that? >:3
12 years, 7 months ago
Or, all ponies age like fuckin' Galapagos tortoises. Hmm. Maybe Granny Smith somehow chose to let herself become older, while Pinkie Pie happily stays the same age nigh-eternally?
12 years, 7 months ago
Could be. Which begs the question--do ponies ever die of old age? Do they do so only if they decide to? "Ponyville Confidential" has a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene with a funeral, so we know that ponies CAN die and leave remains to bury (rather than only being killable by something as complete as digestion by a dragon, as Fluttershy fears in "Dragonshy", all other forms of death being recoverable via unicorn doctors). That might make funerals even more somber affairs than in our world, because everypony who knew the deceased would know that they CHOSE to leave them all behind forever... or got crunched beyond repair by some terrible monster.
12 years, 7 months ago
Or it could be the opposite; everyone gathering around for a happy send-off. "Bye, guys! I'm gonna go explore the cosmos noncorporeally now!"
12 years, 7 months ago
Of course! They were only looking glum because the CMC were so loudly singing a terribly judgmental song!!! :D
12 years, 7 months ago
Hee hee! Makes perfect sense!
12 years, 7 months ago
One more theory about Equestrian past that I like is that Princess Celestia has spent the past thousand years steering Equestrian civilization towards more of a "city that never sleeps" approach to life, with artificial lighting and nocturnal entertainment (Applejack's flashback about Manehattan and Cheerilee's picture of a disco club). Twilight Sparkle's study habits and her very name reflect a move towards ponies being active at night as well as during the day. This was very deliberately done in order to make sure that if she succeeded in assembling the Elements of Harmony with six ponies capable of defeating Nightmare Moon, that when Princess Luna returned, she would never again have reason to be bitter and jealous about the disparity between day and night. That Princess Celestia spent a thousand years guiding an entire civilization along a certain path... just to make her sister happy.
12 years, 7 months ago
*hugs you tightly*
I love the way your mind works too.

that is the best theory I have heard about way Equestrian is the way it is now.
And it just makes you go D'awwwwwww! that was so nice of Celestia to do that for her Sister.
12 years, 7 months ago
"Thanks very much! I'm never content to just use someone's argument. I always want to see how much further down I can dig. It really is helpful to notice when you have a strong, negative emotional response to something, and then really work to find out *why* you feel that. Sometimes it's just you, and sometimes you're reacting to something that's deeply wrong but you can't put words to it yet."

That is so true.

"Naw. You can't say 'pony' on the internet without thinking about MLP:FIM."
"How 'bout this: I wouldn't object if someone else called me one, but it's not how I'd think to describe myself."

Again true.
it is fun just to see many people Fans of the show.
an that is a far way to look at it.
12 years, 7 months ago
... The mental traumas are some of the worst to be inflicted with. If it's that bad that the government is actually giving you money, well I don't like to dwell on it very much.

Another thing I wouldn't say is that you're evil which is a loosely defined and mutable term. Still I wish the boundaries of language weren't so limited so would know the exact word that fits the best.

Wishing by itself doesn't do anything... huh there's something Disney actually got right in that Frog Prince movie.

Finally for now I laughed hard in my sleep.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Another thing I wouldn't say is that you're evil which is a loosely defined and mutable term. Still I wish the boundaries of language weren't so limited so would know the exact word that fits the best.

No, no: I felt an intense sense of 'That's it!' when I finally accepted the word 'evil'. I think that word too often gets associated with cartoons and fantasy, and we don't think of people as evil because it seems too simplistic. But when a person is incapable of love and selflessness, and they cause gradual, exponential suffering to people around them like radioactivity, then I think evil's a perfectly fine world. That's exactly what I'd be if I didn't work so hard at defying both nature and nurture.

>Wishing by itself doesn't do anything... huh there's something Disney actually got right in that Frog Prince movie.

Still ain't seen it. Tangled either. Though I admit, Wreck-It Ralph looks promising.
12 years, 7 months ago
Marcel Duchamp, "The Fountain."

"...[saying] we should just bend over..." Wait, what? "...backwards..." Oh.
Along the same lines, there was a news item last year (or thereabouts, and maybe it was just reported in Colorado) where a man who had been abused as a boy by a Catholic priest said something like, "I wish people would stop calling me a victim, because I'm not." Kerfuffle ensued. But as I understood the statement, he was saying he'd moved on.

Oh, cool. I have a hyena character. Granted, she's not a baby.
You sorta dodged my question on the alternate definition of "supernatural." Obviously, the word continues to look like it means "outside nature," literally "impossible." But discounting that, and how it is used almost flippantly to mean "it's definitely something unknowable," does a claim of the supernatural at least make sense when it can mean "this event is caused by a mind that doesn't arise from the laws of physics"?

I thought it was eight laps for horse races.

Hang on, was it a trapezoid or a rhombus? Rather, what were the characteristics of the shape?

Hm. Normally, we don't think of people as being evil unless they perform evil or do something evilly.

Listened to the whole thing, just don't have further comments.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Marcel Duchamp, "The Fountain."

Yes, of course. I remembered that pretty much the instant I stopped recording.

Man, Duchamp pretty much spent his entire career making the trollface, didn't he? ;)

>"I wish people would stop calling me a victim, because I'm not." Kerfuffle ensued. But as I understood the statement, he was saying he'd moved on.

<nod> Unsurprising. In this culture, we want victims to just sit still and be perfect, pure angels, and not do anything to contradict the narrative that abusers are inhuman and unchangeable, and victimhood lasts forever. Our collective consciousness is sicker than a pig eating a corpse's ribs out of a sewer drain.

>does a claim of the supernatural at least make sense when it can mean "this event is caused by a mind that doesn't arise from the laws of physics"?

<wince> Well, first you'd have to explain HOW someone's mind could counteract the laws of physics. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's not good science to base a conclusion about something on an assumption.

>I thought it was eight laps for horse races.

Well, the Triple Crown races only go around once, and that's the only ones I ever end up watching. <shruggo>

>Hang on, was it a trapezoid or a rhombus? Rather, what were the characteristics of the shape?

It was a fucked-up diagonal-tilted bookshelf-lookin' thing.

>Hm. Normally, we don't think of people as being evil unless they perform evil or do something evilly.

In the sense I talked about, I'm defining evil as, 'something that no good can come from'. I genuinely think that's an accurate description of my mother, and possibly my father too, but I know less about him. Either way, my genetic pool is a corrupted pit of reeking slime.

Let me put it this way. I was thinking about the archetypical 'hero's journey' story and wondering what character I'd play. Something occurred to me that fit perfectly: I would be the evil villain's sidekick. Like, a little demon thing that by some fluke is smarter than all the other demonic minions. I'm the one that would wise up partway through the story and switch sides to help the heroes.
12 years, 7 months ago
Going against your nature because you believe it's the right thing to do, to make yourself a better person than you ought to be... I see a bit of that in Ruby in Dangerous Lunatics. She could just let herself be stupid... but instead she works her absolute hardest to use her brain. You work your absolute hardest to be a good person.

Both of you are succeeding beautifully.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Going against your nature because you believe it's the right thing to do, to make yourself a better person than you ought to be... I see a bit of that in Ruby in Dangerous Lunatics.

Absolutely! It's a theme I've played with quite a bit. Sherrie from DL certainly fits too. And Brad working to channel his anger into positive action. Justin defying his slovenly family. Max not being the typical mindless zombie. Melanie overcoming her fear of social interaction and learning to love herself. Plus, the final act of War Is Peace is pretty much this trope incarnate. ;)

>Both of you are succeeding beautifully.

<squees and wiggles gratefully>
12 years, 7 months ago
Oh! And who could forget Karen's words to Always-Jimmy-Never-James: "Just because you were born without a conscience doesn't mean you can't grow one if you want it bad enough."
12 years, 7 months ago
Absolutely! Jimmy is definitely an example of my mind working through difficult ideas via a character, before I was ready to accept them for myself.
12 years, 7 months ago
This was something someone PM'd me with, and I kinda wanted to share my replies.

>Point: moderate level of agreeince with your stance on child-adult relations of sexual nature


>secondary point: additional logic behind why its a bad idea....physical harm issues
>a 12 year old, on the borders of maturity...is not going to be able to handel doing anything sexual with a grown man or women for any length of time without suffering some physical injury

I figured this was self-evident and I didn't need to include it in my rant, but I guess it does need some clarification.

Just because it's illegal to punch a child in the face, that is absolutely no reason to also criminalize gently patting their cheek. See where I'm going with this? The physical harm issues would already be covered by existing child abuse laws. And you're thinking of "anything sexual" in purely penetrative terms. In a perfect future, I can't imagine why it should be illegal for *any* human beings to be naked together, to hug, to kiss, to cuddle, to caress, to massage; even mutual masturbation. There's all sorts of ways for touch to feel good without jamming a cock into something.

>as to my opinion on maturity...8-12 year olds today...are smarter 'now' then we were at age '20' i gaurentee it, access to information has skyrocketed, whats more children are maturing much much faster...children are being 'treated' less mature then ever before...wtf!

Yep. Think of how an overprotective, controlling parent acts. To them, signs of intelligence, maturity and independence in their children are NOT good things. They are signs the child is pulling away, and they must be reined in and kept in a state of infancy for as long as possible. Fuck the child's needs; it's all about what the parents want. This is the attitude the media reinforces as being 'good parenting'. Lock your kids in an airtight bubble, because the world is a scary, threatening place that will kill them in a hearbeat. Of course, the REALITY is that exposure to risk increases mastery of it. That includes sexuality. Restricting someone from training never *increases* their ability.
12 years, 7 months ago
Dr. Pepper: an intellectual drink, for the chosen ones.

I find your argument against feminism to be quite reasonable. While I do have "feminist" ideas (women should get equal pay, women should not be treated as trophies to be won), most of those are rooted in the fact that they are human, not because they are of a different gender and thus deserve special treatment to make up for centuries of sexism.  

I was kinda hoping you'd the reference to the second question. Then again, upon reflection, it is very obscure one.

Also, when I meant "cuddle", I meant "cuddle" in the more adult term i.e. masturbating with your plushies.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Dr. Pepper: an intellectual drink, for the chosen ones.

Damn straight. <raises a glass>

>While I do have "feminist" ideas (women should get equal pay, women should not be treated as trophies to be won), most of those are rooted in the fact that they are human, not because they are of a different gender and thus deserve special treatment to make up for centuries of sexism.

VERY AGREED. I really dislike when feminists will try to claim that supporting equality means supporting their agenda. No. I support the righting of any equality, even if it means getting rid of a bad law that feminists love (like the many ones that discriminate against men in divorce cases).

BTW, something had always felt kinda wrong about the idea that women get paid less than men. It would mean that businesses have someone who goes through each paycheck and makes sure women get less than men for the same job. What company would ever do that!? Well, it turns out this is something that's both true and also a lie. Women DO make less than men, but it's because they WORK LESS. Men are more willing to work overtime and weekends, and devote themselves to their job at the expense of their family and free time. Women are more likely to care about their own well-being to put up with that bullshit. But as a consequence of not working themselves to death, they get smaller paychecks. When I learned this, I just about shat my pants.

>I was kinda hoping you'd the reference to the second question. Then again, upon reflection, it is very obscure one.

Sorry, didn't get it. <shrug>

>Also, when I meant "cuddle", I meant "cuddle" in the more adult term i.e. masturbating with your plushies.

Aha. Actually, I'd still give the same answer. Some of them aren't exactly shaped for 'easy access', but I still couldn't pick a favorite out of the ones I do yiff with.
12 years, 7 months ago
12 years, 7 months ago
ranch or cool ranch............ffffuck you XD dude so funny and god your voice is so cute XD *^^*
12 years, 7 months ago
and you aint crazy dude... you seem almost normal to me......wait a minute......um....>< im more crazy then you..yeah..that explains it
12 years, 7 months ago

Tee hee. Glad you like how I sound. I have a new mic for this, so that probably helps.

>and you aint crazy dude... you seem almost normal to me......wait a minute......um....>< im more crazy then you..yeah..that explains it

<chuckle> It might. But yeah, I am definitely crazy. It just comes in chunks, and I'm very practiced at hiding it from others. :/
12 years, 7 months ago
<I'm very practiced at hiding it from others. :/>
so am i, so am i
12 years, 7 months ago
...Both of you?
12 years, 7 months ago
12 years, 7 months ago
Now that I think about it, I did ask that first question before.  Though I think it was directed to Dangerous Lunatics.

So I'll add a new one Mwahahahahahaaaaa!  
Spiked collars or studded collars, which is cuter on a willing fluffy slave?  

A burlap sack of pigeons.... Yeah, I'd sing about that too.
12 years, 7 months ago
>Spiked collars or studded collars, which is cuter on a willing fluffy slave?

Cuter? Not sure. But if the fluffy slave is *really* subby, they should definitely have a studded collar. It's more harmless than a spiked one. :)
12 years, 7 months ago
After listening to this, I have a question.  I know I should have asked before, but I think I missed this journal (backlog you see).  My Question:

Have you considered the possibility that you are not human, but a soul older than human somehow not from this world?
12 years, 7 months ago
>Have you considered the possibility that you are not human, but a soul older than human somehow not from this world?

I think most people have at least thought about that once or twice. I certainly have. But for me it's kinda like, 'If I am, it's not like I'm likely to ever know until I die. And it doesn't seem to affect my life here on Earth. So... <shrug>" I tend to be very 'oh well' towards questions I know I can't answer.
12 years, 7 months ago
You do not understand feminism.
12 years, 7 months ago
No, I do understand it. That's why I dislike it so much. In fact, the more I've understood it, the more I've disliked it.

And before you start in with the 'Not all feminists are like that' argument, I've heard the same thing from Christians and Muslims when I've attacked their beliefs, and it doesn't impress me from them either.
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