There has been a long-standing debate between me and a good friend on my Dark Side server on what Freya actually is. My friend 'claims' Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX is a dragon. Pfft, as if! Anyone who has played the game will know she is a Burmecian Rat! She's a dragoon as a class, but not an actual dragon! Everyone knows that! But he adamantly refuses to believe Freya is a rat. And on and on our debate rages. It's quite known in my Dark Side server our difference in fact. (not opinion, this is fact, she's a rat!) Anyway, not sure who tipped Quirky to draw this of Taylor and Ahya, but he's not telling me! He popped this wonderful gift of Taylor Renee cosplaying as one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters, with Ahya, of course, playing as the always hungry Quina Quen. A very cute gift that I was delighted to receive and soon I'll find out who got this for me! It's only a matter of time...