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by GrimArt
Corrosion 39
Hair Brush
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pokemon 192,495, comic 87,795, darkrai 259, chatot 105, beheeyem 47
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 years, 7 months ago
Rating: General

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3 years, 7 months ago
That description reference tho...
3 years, 7 months ago
Pose for the fans!
3 years, 7 months ago
I wanted to go to bed early, but fuck it. I'll join in the politics again.

This is exactly what I thought was going to happen. Beheeyem stirred the pot and made tensions remarkably worse for Psychic types as a whole.

Unfortunately, at the moment, at least, it's only really the Psychic party that's in the wrong here.

Psychic party is glossing over the fact that a very rare and unusual exception was made on short notice with an unknown contender without the other fighter's knowledge. Fights are always known in advance. It's how they advertise. So the contenders always know who they're fighting in advance, and they generally have to be in a similar 'weight class', a ruling which the bull guy (I forget the species) from the beginning elected to waive in order to try to fight TiNi. TiNi being weak to Psychic types, a Psychic's sudden inclusion is basically like swapping out a same weight class opponent for someone two weight classes above him. In no arena would that be fair or legal. (In the sense of arena rules, not laws). If properly handled, TiNi should have been given knowledge of the change beforehand so that he would have the option to back out and thus cancel the fight, or go forward with the change so that the officiators would be able to make appropriate alterations.

Even if everything was done above board, the Psychic party is, without knowledge of the situation, totally ignoring a completely justified and plausible theory in favor of calling the suggestion that something underhanded may have happened a baseless and type-ist attack for the sake of trying to push for equality and civil liberties. They are wrong for doing this. An investigation should be made. And claiming that the situation at hand is a war declaration if something doesn't turn out favorably for the Psychic party on top of that is also incredibly, incredibly dangerous.

While replacing all registration staff with Dark types is a bit of an overcorrection, a more subdued approach would be having registration staff be accompanied by Dark type 'bodyguards', it's also understandable because it would be increasing the staff costs dramatically to hire a full time bodyguard for every single registration staff member. And I mean full time. Your mind doesn't stop being able to be affected by Psychics when you punch out and go home. An assault would still be able to happen off the clock. So while yes, it is one thousand percent a worrying outcome where Dark types are given preferential treatment for likely high power and high pay jobs, it's a completely reasonable solution. They're immune to the one thing that could ruin anyone else.

A simple way to conduct an investigation into this, and I completely understand if this is kind of handwaved for the sake of narrative, is to check cameras. Chatter exists, people aren't allowed to take phones into the arena so that no one films the sex, and the battles are otherwise televised. While the cameras in the arena are turned off during the ending portions of the fights, it would be stupid to not have them in other locations. Simply checking when and how Beheeyem got his name onto the paperwork and who he interacted with would at least give some hefty clues. But most importantly would be Beheeyem's mannerisms if he is caught on camera negotiating his way into the ring.

If Beheeyem is treating the entire thing incredibly casually, and not as though he's struggling to weasel his way into a very strict competition at the last second so that he can make a stand for his people against a known type-ist, then it can be assumed that his confidence in his ability to make it into the ring would imply foul play.

Lastly, as was very clearly pointed out in previous pages, what Beheeyem did to TiNi was not a fight. It was in no way entertaining for the audience or a show of skill. He went into that arena for the sole purpose of humiliating TiNi and sending a message. That in itself is dangerous and extremist behavior.
3 years, 7 months ago
And an addendum: while I know that Crevice is only using antagonistic wording by saying it's a declaration of war (hopefully, at the very least), another thing to point out is that... Dark types are immune to Psychic type attacks. If these polarizing statements cause fights, it isn't the Dark types directly that are going to get hurt. It's the non-Dark type supporters of the Dark party. So Crevice's words are going to cause a lot more hurt to non-Dark types than the 'true' target of her ire. Anger is going to be directed at the Dark types, but it's the supporters that are going to take the brunt of it solely for the fact that actual Dark types can't be affected by Psychic type's main method of fighting.
3 years, 7 months ago
" Chobin wrote:
Beheeyem stirred the pot and made tensions remarkably worse for Psychic types as a whole.

I was going to say that this is pretty much why I think that there's no actual influence and that this is just speculation that can turn out to be false but the author just said that he did manipulate his way in, so scratch that.

I'm surprised that "the bigots were actually right all along and there's a good reason to discriminate against a minority" is the direction the comic has taken, but eh.
3 years, 7 months ago
You have zero idea where the story is actually going. And this isn't a "racist bigots were right about a minority" thing, even though the type prejudice is obviously meant to be the equivalent. This is "one group of people has superpowers and one group of people is immune to those super powers and everyone in between has to figure how to deal with that".

There are obviously racial overtones, but the 'racism' isn't about inferiority or superiority of a type. It isn't about dark types being thieves or water types being the best for sex due to how wet they get. It's about the fear of the innate power one special group of people holds and that they in no way earned, they were just born with it, and the fact that with only one exception everyone is subject to that power without question and must simply hope that that power is not used against them.

If anything, the closer real life parallel isn't racism (even though that's obviously there, too), but class divide. The super wealthy one percent who can get away with almost anything because even when they get caught destroying people's lives en masse for the sake of profit, like the Chinese banks directly supporting terrorists and being well known drug suppliers, or opioid producers purposely making opioids remarkably easy to get ahold of through prescriptions and pushing them as product through doctors in order to artificially create the opioid epidemic so that drug addicts would continue to buy, being the most notable extreme examples, but then you have the smaller examples like being able to speed and break other minor laws without consequence because the worst they're subject to is a fine that their business will make up for in a matter of days or weeks at most. Basically paying a monthly subscription to be above the law.

And the constant fear the Dark party has to live with is at any point a psychic type has the power, even if they aren't immoral enough to do it, but the power to just upend your whole world and there's very little you can do about it, and it may be impossible to prove that they did it.

One Superman is really cool. You aren't afraid of him because there's only one. You know he does good for you, even though you have that niggling thought in the back of your mind that "Man, if he ever wanted to just wreck house I wouldn't be able to do anything about it." But if there were hundreds or thousands of Kryptons and they could all do the exact same thing Superman could do, yeah, there would be people like Batman who aren't afraid to tell him that the potential for him to get tired of being good, being perfect, being noble, and doing even one bad thing just for the sake of not having to deal with the stress of holding himself to such a high standard, is almost as dangerous as if he was just immoral. He's a nuclear bomb going around saving lives and beating up other nuclear bombs that want to destroy the world. And now take Superman and the extreme standards he holds himself to because he knows how dangerous, how much of a threat he is. And apply that same moral philosophy to several thousand people.

The likelihood of someone snapping under the pressure increases exponentially with every single one of them, and that's the 'problem' with psychic types. Every single one of them is Superman.
3 years, 7 months ago
We don't actually know how common the psychic pokemon capable of doing what Beheeyem did are, and chatot just said they have no idea how powerful they are. Also, psychics aren't the only ones with powerful abilities. It's pokemon. There's a lot of crazy shit. And all types have their slice of weak pokemon and strong pokemon. Hating on all psychics because of what some of them can potentially do is bigotry.

Also, dark party's leader is a Darkrai of all possibilities, while the psychic is a Cresselia. I don't think it's possible to pick a worse pair to make a point that psychics are bad and dangerous and dark-types are needed to protect from them.
3 years, 7 months ago
That's exactly the thing. We don't know how common Beheeyem's 'power level' is. Or even how powerful Beheeyem is compared to the average psychic type. Beheeyem may be incredibly powerful, which is the lone Superman problem, he may be totally average, which is the group Superman problem, or he may even be below average, which is a horrifying problem.

No outcome is good because he's either near unstoppable compared to other psychics who already have a bad rap, he is the norm, or he is a weakling, which is the worst case scenario. (But going by known pokemon stats, Beheeyem has a base special attack of 125 while psychic type overall average is 110, so he's likely above average, although still not necessarily above average for a Beheeyem. He may still be on the weaker end species-wise. As a comparison, Mewtwo's special attack is 154, Alakazam is 135, and Espeon is 130. Grumpig's is 90, and Hypno's is 73. While Cresselia's base special attack is actually only 75.)

Yes, other types exist and they have their own amazing abilities as well as weaknesses. But not one of them can invisibly alter your mind, force you prone, lift heavy objects or interact with something from a distance, sense your location no matter how you try to hide, teleport, or do all of those things simultaneously. You can always see another type coming. But it doesn't matter how strong another pokemon is. In a real world realistic sense, which this comic seems to be at least somewhat going for, there is nothing that compares to a psychic if that psychic can avoid direct confrontation. Which most very easily can for the above reasons.

I never said either party leader was a good person or even good political candidate. But we also can't assume that the lore we know is the lore this canon follows. Darkrai may be an upstanding citizen and Cresselia may be vying for world domination. Even in pokemon canon their relationship changes and Darkrai's 'moral stance' isn't static.

" Darkrai debuted in The Rise of Darkrai as a protagonist. It took the task of holding off the fighting between Dialga and Palkia until Ash and Dawn could put the Oración disk in the Space-Time Towers music player to calm the two Legendary Pokémon down.

" Darkrai made its main series debut in Sleepless In Pre-Battle!. Unlike the Darkrai in The Rise of Darkrai, this Darkrai was maliciously causing nightmares, much like the one in the games.

" Darkrai is known to "inhabit" dreams and causes the target to have unending nightmares, which can be stopped if exposed to a Lunar Wing from Cresselia. However, the "unleashing of nightmares" is actually a defense mechanism, instead of an intentionally malicious act.

" Its relationship to its counterpart, Cresselia, can vary between individuals and canons, with some being antagonistic, as seen Sleepless In Pre-Battle! and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, or cooperative, as seen in JN074 and JN075.
3 years, 7 months ago
Exactly, my friend. It's not about racism but a pure blant uncontrollable inner power where only a few percent of population is immune to it.
3 years, 7 months ago
I'm going to repost what I put on page 34:

>> I don't think it's racism.. I think it's just poor sportsmanship and not as entertaining, so it's a marketing issue.
>> The audience came to see a fight. Not just one guy standing there and the other flailing around like he's fighting dead air, or standing around slack jaw and drooling.
>> That's not very entertaining at all.
>> The READER sees the projected images. I don't think the audience does though.

So racism or not... that 'mon just flat out cheated his way into the arena. Period. The racism is being thrown in there by the party leads (psychics and not) to make noise and explode the situation to much larger then it needs to be, but all it does is confuse the issue and ignore the core problem.

Pretty simple.. if two fighters go in, they already agreed to the sex in the end. That was not a surprise and something both agreed to so it's not rape. They at least know of each other and can accept it.

That switch that Beheeyem pulled? Hell, fucking, no.

From what I can tell the arena is a private business. If they wanted to exclude a group because it's quite simply very poor marketing, because no one's going to tune in to watch the fighters glare at each other before one drops... that's BORING! That does not sell tickets. Ergo, no point in having it.

The Psychic Party's whole point is to enjoy a fight only they can see in the arena. So basically, "I want my fun that no one else can have." No, they don't get the point of the arena at all. It's entertainment that is available for -everyone-, not just one small group who want to strut on stage and disregard a majority of the audience at the same time. That too easily can be read as psychic supremacy.

By all rights that Beheeyem should be arrested and have the book thrown at them. As well as be responsible for counseling for the damage he did, and sued by the arena for lost profits... and the psychic party needs to butt out and stop defending a criminal.
3 years, 7 months ago
Exactly, well said.
3 years, 7 months ago
huh, pokemon politics. my list of seeing new things grows.
3 years, 7 months ago
i just want to acknowledge the fact that watching this news report you can legitimately say "a little birdie told. me..."
3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
Psychic types suck.
3 years, 7 months ago
I am seeing the same dejavu that I have been trying to escape for a long time.
But the idea is creative and I liked it, I want to follow this story more.
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