while you're here! would you of bought this? for assumable 20-25$ https://www.strawpoll.me/45476604 --- Link here! >>Consider Supporting My Work? --- Join my Discord? <<and link here! These comics and pictures are made possible thanks to my supporters sites where possible! --- i did this pictures like 2-3 months ago, and i had imagined i'd put it on shirts and sell them =T BUT im too damn lazy... i'll never get around to doing it~ ~__~ maybe i'll do it later, i dont know, but im tired if this art sitting around not being seen! :V
atleast its not as a stupid a shirt idea as what my family had wanted me to do like 16 years ago! =P they were 100% sure i should make a shirt with firecat in a bikini, simple standing pose, with the quote 'dont you wish your girlfriend was furry like me' and it was very.... very cringe XD more so because the art was that bad =P