Warning : This story contain Dark Humor, Fantasy Violence , Suicide Thought, Self-Inflict, Self Conflict, Death and Drama. So please read with caution.
Warning :Some of my SCP may difference from the original.
Warning : This stunt is performed by an immortal being. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME...
"SCP-524 and SCP-682 introduced into testing chamber. SCP-682 examines SCP-524 suspiciously, at which point SCP-524 begins gnawing on SCP-682's anterior right limb. SCP-682 jumps backward, bellowing. SCP-524 pursues SCP-682 for two minutes, at which point SCP-682 climbs four (4) meters up the wall of the testing chamber and is beyond SCP-524's reach. SCP-524 ceases pursuit and begins washing its face with its paws; it continues this activity for 15 minutes, during which time SCP-682 remains 4 meters up the wall and beyond SCP-524's reach.
SCP-524 then crosses to the other side of the test chamber and begins breaching containment. Test aborted."
053 is protected by the brothers death (Why? It doesn´t explain). 682 likely noticed the presence of the brothers with her, and decided that the most intelligent way to protect him from the brothers is doing "nothing"
And while 682 is considered neither alive or dead, there´s a difference between not being recognized by beings that cause death and being recognized by Death itself
053 is protected by the brothers death (Why? It doesn´t explain). 682 likely noticed the presence of
Everyone forgets conservation of mass. Sure, it's garbage now, but it will eventually break down into needed materials for nature. If you just feed it all into the bunny and it's destroyed, you permanently LOSE all of it. You'd essentially be slow bleeding your planet. Right now pollution isn't a matter of us destroying anything, but putting things in places they don't belong.
Everyone forgets conservation of mass. Sure, it's garbage now, but it will eventually break down int