My plans for her for at the moment is just to have her in loosely connected scenarios (usually but not always erotic) of her being the a "naïve-savant", "childhood friend", "girl next door" character. She's kind of unaware of how skilled or arousing she is and is generally a good natured person who becomes more of a perv without realizing it. She's learning a supernatural martial art purely to hang out with her friends and uses it for fun as opposed to just staying healthy and fighting.
My plans for her for at the moment is just to have her in loosely connected scenarios (usually but n
alright mate like i said what's the stop her from having both. in terms of say option one (being her brown colour scheme) being her base scheme but at some point down the line gains the other vera getting a new power or going to another dimension or hell for the shits and giggles why not pull a jojo with it. hahahahahaha.
alright mate like i said what's the stop her from having both. in terms of say option one (being her