Unknown since its a Robotic Machine and all
Robotic Poison Dart Frog Mech
Character Description
10th Robotnik Boss Fight like Action Scene that takes place in a foggy Bayou Swamp in Louisiana known as Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Swamp which is located in Monroe, Louisiana
And unlike the previous Boss Fight like Action Scene this one Sonic learns the hard way that whenever he gets hit that it spews out poisonous gas which is Lipophilic Alkaloid Toxins but in gas form like state which is the same Toxins that are found in Poison Dart Frogs secrete tho Sonic whom was stubborn as well as refuse 2 give up manages 2 struggle and fight through the poison effect until he has manage 2 defeat him once and for all.
He eventually manage 2 defeat him but only 2 find out that the Purple Chaos Emerald that they all came here 4 that Tails manage 2 find inside 1 of abandon Swamp House was nothing more then a fake just like back in Machu Picchu which furiated Robotnik
4 coming all this way 4 nothing except 4 his precious creation gets destroyed by THEM yet again.
But Sonic health eventually took its toll as the poison effects finally starts 2 take effect now that either is all over with which the gang hurry and rushed him 2 a nearby hospital where they quickly took his blood 2 c what kind of poison they're dealing with and symphasize a cure 4 it which they manage 2 save him in just a nick of time.
Note : Its Concept Art and it's not good and all but hopefully u get an idea as 2 what I'm trying 2 go 4 & such.
Robotnik (Jim Carrey) Pilots it and controls its movements and weapons.
Likes : Mayhem and Destruction
Dislike : Sonic, Tails, Team Chaotix and anybody whom gets in his way.
Created 4 sole purpose 2 create an ultimate defense by learning as well as studying diffrent animals as 2 how they defend themselves and soon got interested in those that can secrete toxic poison like Poison Dart Frogs 4 example and decides 2 create the same toxic compound found in Poison Dart Frogs which is Lipophilic Alkaloid Toxin but in gas form and add a special trigger that activate it which happens whenever it gets hit in its usual weakness which is the cockpit.
However, this isn't the only Mech that he has in his disposal tho...
4 he has total of 12 Mechs at his disposal tho in this case 2 left at his disposal.
Creator : Doctor Robotnik aka Eggman
Egg : Which Robotnik add the word Egg in front of his creations name as part of his brand as well as trademark since he after all created it and all.
Hopper : As in Hopping or Hop which means 2 move by jumping which Frogs, Toads and Kangaroo usually do in order 2 get around.
Robotic Poison Dart Frog that spews out poisonous gas that's actually Lipophilic Alkaloid Toxin but in gas form whenever it gets hit.
Body covered Gas Cannons that spews out Poisonous Gas that's actually Lipophilic Alkaloid Toxin in gas form whenever it get hit.