Unknown since its a Robotic Machine and all
Character Description
9th Robotnik Boss Fight like Action Scene that takes place in an Active Volcano as well as around nearby Town like Village of Maui which is 4 the 5th Chaos Emerald which is the Red Chaos Emerald which was detected like located right inside the volcano of Haleakala.
And unlike the previous Boss Fight like Action Scene this Boss Fight like Action Scene Sonic & the gang can't touch much less get close or anywhere near him thanks 2 it's flame covered body and intense heat it's radiating from and the entire machine isn't melting & such what so ever which was odd since usually machine that's made out of metal and fire don't mix much less stand a chance since fire usually melt metal and all but not this which is all thanks 2 creating a newly developed fire proof as well as heat resistance armored plates the entire body of this Mech here is made out of which Eggman decides that this would be a perfect time 2 give it a test run as well as use Sonic and his retched friends of his Guinea Pig 2 test as well as break this special Mech of his in. Which proves 2 be impossible 2 stop him much less inflict any hurt & pain 2 him and his Mech of his unless they can somehow figure it out of a way 2 extinguish the flame covered body of his out 1st.
Thankfully they found the way thanks 2 some fire hose from nearby Fire Department that they were borrowing as well as some Fire Hydrant as well 2 help them extinguish its flame covered body of his out.
Note : Its Concept Art and it's not good and all but hopefully u get an idea as 2 what I'm trying 2 go 4 & such.
Robotnik (Jim Carrey) Pilots it and controls its movements and weapons.
Likes : Mayhem and Destruction
Dislike : Sonic, Tails, Team Chaotix and anybody whom gets in his way.
Created 4 sole purpose 2 survive extreme heat from the inside of volcano in Maui known as Haleakala and use its extreme heat 2 it's advantage thanks 2
the newly developed fire proof as well as heat resistance armored plates the entire body of this Mech here is made out of that he's been cresting much less developed just for this occasion which Eggman decides that this would be a perfect time 2 give it a test run as well as use Sonic and his retched friends of his Guinea Pig 2 test as well as break this special Mech of his in.
However, this isn't the only Mech that he has in his disposal tho...
4 he has total of 12 Mechs at his disposal tho in this case 3 left at his disposal.
Creator : Doctor Robotnik aka Eggman
Egg : Which Robotnik add the word Egg in front of his creations name as part of his brand as well as trademark since he after all created it and all.
Phoenix : As in Mythological Bird that's made out of fire that eventually dies but then be reborn and rise up out of the ashes which this Mech is based upon.
Robotic Phoenix that is made out of entirely out of special as well as newly developed fire proof and heat resistance plates that he's giving a test run and can eveloped it's entire body in fire and has firing as well as exploding tail feathers that's covering its four retractable and extendable feathered tail spikes.
Made out of entirely out of special as well as newly developed fire proof and heat resistance plates that he's giving a test run and can eveloped it's entire body in fire and has firing as well as exploding tail feathers that's covering its four retractable and extendable feathered tail spikes.