Unknown since its a Robotic Machine and all
Character Description
4th Robotnik Boss Fight like Action Scene at Machu Picchu which Sonic tries 2 stop him only 2 learn the hard way that he was well prepared 4 him this time which shocked him and made him all poofy like before making his escape.
Sonic was about 2 go after him but was stopped by Tails whom told him 2 leave it all 2 him since Flying enemies are his speciality.
At 1st they were all worried like concern about his well being but he reassured them that he got this thanks 2 his invention of his.
He flies off 2 confront and fight him which after learning that his glowing leg panels are his weakness that he eventually took him down tho his invention sadly gets destroyed as result of overheating & such.
On top of that the Chaos Emerald that they all came here 4 was actually a fake.
Tho it's the right colors and size it didn't give out any energy signature which explains why Chaos kept rejecting it.
Note : Its Concept Art and it's not good and all but hopefully u get an idea as 2 what I'm trying 2 go 4 & such.
Robotnik (Jim Carrey) Pilots it and controls its movements and weapons
Likes : Mayhem and Destruction
Dislikes : Tails and anyone whom gets in his way
Created 4 sole purpose of replacing any of his Mechs should any of e'm gets destroyed like his Mole Mech, Egg Digger did when confronting and fought against Knuckles.
It's capable of flying in all direction thanks 2 it's swivel wing styled thrusters which is capable 4 flying that Sonic and the gang can't possibly do.
But unlike the last time he fought them this time he is well prepared by creating a built-in electric shock barrier which the only way 2 deactivate it is by attacking the glowing leg panels which is it's electricity source.
However, this isn't the only Mech that he has in his disposal tho...
4 he has total of 12 Mechs at his disposal tho in this case 8 left at his disposal
Creator : Doctor Robotnik aka Eggman
Egg : Which Robotnik add the word Egg in front of his creations name as part of his brand as well as trademark since he after all created it and all.
Hornet : As in Hornet Bee which this Mech is based upon
Robotic Hornet Bee Mech with pivotal wing thrusters, electric shock barrier which the only way 2 deactivate it is by attacking the glowing panels on legs which is it's electricity source.
Pivotal wing styled thrusters, gsource.glowing leg panels which is it's electric shock barrier source and lobbing bombs which can be destroyed or fling right back at it.