The Elders would always warn us to steer clear from her. Tell us that she was unnatural. A danger to the tribe.
How can one be dangerous when they're so calm? How can one be dangerous when they laugh and cry like any other would?
Questions like those would fill my thoughts as I got to know her. The more we talked, the more I learned.
She isn't dangerous. Different, yes, but not dangerous.
There's a certain elegance to her when she does her "magic". She's not afraid of it. You can tell by the way her eyes shine in delight as she tells stories through her ability. She'll smile a certain way when the children laugh joyfully.
It's clear that she loves her ability. It's clear that she doesn't want to hurt anyone with it.
The Elders can't see it, but I do. I see how she really is.
She's beautiful.
NOTE: Embers' ice powers are not canon in my human AU! These pictures are just little ideas done for fun!
Just some more artwork of human Ember along with a story told by Predaking. Eventually I will draw how he found out about her ice ability.