I am moving to Buzzly.Art as my new, permanent home as pony artist and I will reupload all of my pony art, that I have put here on Inkbunny in the last two years, there. But I won't delete this picture and I will occasionally swing by to see if I got any new favourites or comments. If you are interested in seeing more pony art from me, please check out the reupload of this picture on Buzzly.Art and visit my new account there:
Noi made a terrible mistake and now her best friend Bloo is very disappointed of her and refuses to forgive Noi. Calling Bloo an "idiotic girl" after she managed to solve a hard task they got as homework because of an inferiority complex wasn't the best idea..... But maybe Pinkie Pie can help Noi fix things with her best friend.
This is another picture that goes back to a ponyfic of mine. The reference I used was a screenshot of Noi and Bloo from when Pinkie Pie sung her Smile Song, but the situation I described above can be found in my fic version of the Smile Song, that I wrote as part of my NaPoWriMo daily writing challenge in November 2014 for Day 28. I've drawn three pictures that illustrate scenes from some ponyfics of mine now. I'll probably do this a few more times this year, if more prompts allow for it.
This picture didn't make the deadline, neither the main deadline, nor the extended one, because I got suddenly plagued by some leftover exhaustion from the day before and an inexplicable, nauseous feeling while drawing it yesterday night. But I will be submitting it for the first make-up day on Saturday, like my picture for Day 1. The prompt for Day 9 was Draw a pony making a terrible mistake / Draw a pony getting a taste of their own medicine.
I am satisfied and happy with the outcome, I drew some parts of Noi and Bloo very right here. But I also made a few mistakes, especially the size of their bodies. Their upper bodies are too big, which makes them almost look like mares instead of fillies, and their forelegs are too long, the latter is a common error that I'm making when I draw sitting foals. The same happened to the legs of Brown Sugar when I drew her for Day 6. Pictures of sitting foals is something I need to practice. And this realization marks the first time during this year's Newbie Artist Training Grounds that I could identify something specific that I need to practice in a targeted way. The practice effect finally starts to kick in now, after seven days of consistent drawing and participation and only one day break. It will only get better from here.