Brother Bear, Copyright: PBS Kids & Agogo Entertainment
Alright guys........It has been a LONG time since you've seen a fan-art related drawing from me. 9 months or so to be exact. First off, I apologize for my lack in motivation in regards of fan-art. For some reason, I just haven't had the motivation to draw fan-art. Mostly due to lack of ideas. As I didn't really know who to draw, and what the drawing would be about.
But you gotta start somewhere......Lol. So lately, I've been getting interested into some other cartoons. Old and new lol. One of them being this cartoon series, which I actually watched as a young kid. And I have also read their books. That series clearly being "The Berenstain Bears" lol.
Like I mentioned, I actually watched their cartoon series when I was a young kid. I can't say it was one of my "favorite" cartoons. But when it was on TV and there was nothing else interesting for me to watch, I'd watch this. And yeah, I'd actually sit there and actually watch through it lol. And I did like some of the characters in the series.
Like for instance as shown here, Brother Bear lol. As a kid, he's a character that I took interest in. But I never took interest in the series as a whole. And eventually I pretty much forgot about it. Until earlier this year, about 10-15 years later lol.
Basically I originally looked into the series to get some screencaps of some of the characters, for eventual drawing ideas. And when I started watching some episodes to GET those screencaps, oh boy the nostalgia started rushing through my head. Everything was starting to hit me. I started to remember the days where I watched this cartoon as a young boy! You know?
And ultimately, I started to get re-interested into this cartoon. However this time, I'd take very serious interest in it now lol. And I've come to love this cartoon, and the characters now. And it's cool to re-visit a cartoon I actually watched as a child. As some cartoons I'm interested in, I never saw a child.
Anyways, I digress. BACK TO THIS DRAWING lol. So lately, I've been wanting to try and make a return in regards of drawing fan-art. But again, I wasn't sure of who I wanted to draw yet. As the sky's LITERALLY the limit. I could draw so many characters. But what scenario would it be about, what would they be doing, and what poses would they be in? And such like that.
But for now, I decided to stick to just regular sketches for now. As it's the easiest way for now. And they are less time consuming to draw, and color. No backgrounds or major details. And well, I decided I would start drawing some Berenstain Bears related fan-art. Again, gotta start somewhere.
And I also noticed too, that there isn't a lot of fan-art relating to the characters or the show. Which I found kinda shocking to be honest. So, I guess I'll be one of the only people that draws characters relating to this show lol.
So with that being said, here's the first sketch (out of 4) that I drew of Brother Bear from "The Berenstain Bears"! So this pose was from the episode "Double Dare" if I remember correctly. Basically, I wanted to try and get different expressions and poses for each drawing. And I think I did pretty good at doing that lol.
So for the first drawing, we have Brother Bear in a "shocked" expression. I figured when I saw that pose and expression, I had to draw that lol. As again, I wanted to try and get many different expressions in my drawings. Which you will see later in my 3 other new drawings I made of this guy :3
So, what do you all think? Again not much to this drawing. Just simple, and cute too lol. Overall, I think it took under an hour to fully sketch this and darken the lines. The coloring would be the part that takes the most time though. As you gotta be careful when you color around the lines lol. But overall, the work certainly pays off. And I like how this turned out.
With all that being said, I hope you all like it. And thanks for viewing! More to come soon!! Feels great to be back!!
fan art
brother bear
the berenstain bears
3 years, 9 months ago
27 May 2021 03:31 CEST
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