Ever since I was young and it was the dawn of the internet (yes, I'm old) and PC gaming was just hitting its stride with FPS (first person shooters) like Doom, Descent, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, etc., I was reveling in the glory of shooting up hordes of demons, enemies, robots and more. These games left a huge impact on me growing up and I'm just so indebted to their influence on my creative mind. One of those game series was Doom. It may not have been my first FPS, but it definitely was a great one! To pay homage to my roots as a gamer and my love for all things carnage, I did this fun non-canon commission. To keep it somewhat true to Taylor's world/story canon, instead of demons, she's fighting reptiles (or lizardman) and that's what she is facing off against here. There are guns in her world as well as special powers that she wields. So although it's a fun pic, it also has its roots in canon as well. I hope people enjoy the image and are stoked for Taylor's first book later this year, July 8, 2021! She may not be a true fighter just yet in her first outing, but she'll get there - and it'll be a wonderful journey to see her take!