This is Nina Hawkins. Most won't know who she is just yet since she first appears in book 2 of Taylor's series, but she is a integral part of Taylor's past. She is the bass guitarist and back-up vocals on the band, Bad Luck, which Taylor was a part of during her rebellious teen phase of her life. The two girls clicked immediately and became fast friends. If it weren't for the prejudice of their band leader, Ramon, they might have had a better relationship. When Taylor went missing that first time, Nina regretted hard her inability to fight the fear of disobeying Ramon to be friends with Taylor. Nina learned to gain more independence after that whole messed-up affair and struck out on her own to live her own life free from the band and its overbearing lead. Nina was overjoyed to see Taylor again when she finally returned back to Zabokar. A strong and unique character I had the pleasure of bringing to life during book 2.