Austin, Russel and Chocolate found themselves drawn into a new nursery that opened up nearby, but after a few mishaps and failed attempts at escape, quickly settle in as part of the cohort of little tots filling the various playrooms.
Austin was the first to succumb to the strange influence, soaking his shorts and getting ushered away for a prompt nappy change, changing him into something more appropriate after a very rapid bout of shrinkage.
Russel was quicker to notice the strangeness afoot, but his changing attire slowed him down just enough for another caretaker to catch up to him before long, his meager struggling entirely in vain.
Chocolate would have made a tidy escape while evading the staff on hand, but his own infantile urges were what caught up to him before long, to stop him right in his tracks. His still-thickening nappy's crinkling quickly gives him away, and after a prompt potty break he gets whisked off back to his new playmates.