Ohh, she is so gorgeous! And sexy! *chuckles* Where is that line? I need to go cross it and erase it! Hee, although, since I'm a kitty too, I suppose for me that line doesn't exist... hooray! Haroo! Harippy! >^_^<
Ohh, she is so gorgeous! And sexy! *chuckles* Where is that line? I need to go cross it and erase it
Oh my gosh! This case out even better than I was expecting :D And it has dialogue too? Awesome! I love how it tells a little story.
I absolutely LOVE the one on the top left. It’s just too good <3 Thank you so much for this. You did a great job on one of my biggest cartoon crushes :3
Oh my gosh! This case out even better than I was expecting :D And it has dialogue too? Awesome! I lo