Character Sheet for Extrodus Wolaf
Character Description
loves to help people in anyway he can. his job is a a doctor and private soldier.
kind, caring and willing to help people anyway he can (even if it puts him in the line of fire)
dub-step,classical music, rock and roll, pie (pumpkin , key-lime blueberry, apple, chicken pot pie), FPS video games, GUNS! weapons, sleeping, samist and milo, history, art, comedy, Mr. shovel
nagging, morons, homo phobics (to some degree) bullying, when his gun jams! bananas
modern day (current age)
he has two jobs
one as a private soldier (partners being samist and milo)and as a doctor or medic
past life(child hood [10-15]
assassin (also known as war-mage)and lone runner
all dead. but has his very close friends, milo and samist who are family to him.
modern world and early childhood (12-15)
slim and athletic. color of the outer part of his fur is dark grey, inner part is light grey.his left eye color is different from his right (left/brown, right/ blue
modern day
regular clothes
pants (not jeans!) and t-shirts, tennis shoes.
work clothes
doctor: doctor's coat, cotton pants and cotton t-shirt
medic: bullet proof vest, anti-riot armor first-aid pack, defibrillator and paddles.
private soldier (mercenary)
bullet-proof body armor, bullet-proof full face head armor, head set and weapons.
modern day
regular day
laptop, headphones
work day
defibrillator and paddles, stethoscope
private soldier
body armor, weapons of choice.