For the past few months, me and a bunch of friends have been enjoying a D&D campaign hosted by :linkNextGenAnubisKid: we’ve titled Legends From Larkanum: The New Horizon Era. Larkanum being the homebrow world our history buff DM cooked up. And that inspired me to get a few pics of our party getting up to shenanigans. Next up is the shy sorceress Lily, and the wild child druid Igni:
-Lily Baker: Drow (an anthro version, that is) Wild Magic Sorcerer. A gentle and timid drow girl who grew up far away from the gloomy and oppressive Underdark, instead having a pleasant childhood with her parents on the sunny Moonlight Island. But her origins may yet catch up with as the budding sorceress’ magic powers grow, as they’re difficult to control as it is. -Igni the Kobold: Kobold Circle of Stars Druid. Being raised by animals in the jungles of Aztlani has left her a little odd, to say the least. As in, doesn’t speak common despite beinga grown woman, generally acts like a curious puppy and causes a lot of trouble in towns and taverns. But planeshift me to the Nine Hells if she isn’t the most loveable scamp. As for her strange Druidic magics, those are anybody’s guess…
Lily Baker is :icondeviantstyle:’s sorcerer Igni the Kobold is :iconTelokey-the-bat:’s druid Art by The scenario was my idea