Years Gone By
*At Twinkle Twirl?s Dance Studio....*
"5, 6, 7 and 8! Good. Let?s keep it moving, girls. You?re doing great. We?ll be ready with a new dance for sure," stated Twinkle Twirl.
"Ladies, may I interrupt?" asked Spike.
"Who are you and what are you?" asked Twinkle Twirl.
"That?s Spike, our friend of 1000 years. He made Wysteria a princess and slept under a castle until we found him," explained Pinkie Pie.
"Right you are, my dear and I have a special announcement to make. My long-lost dragon pal Spikeus is paying a visit to Ponyville," stated Spike.
"Who?s Spikeus?" asked Minty.
"He?s my cousin, though he and I hadn?t spoken in years after we went to the ball before midnight. No, that was a fairy tale. Actually it was from an argument we had years ago. He wasn?t thrilled about Ponyville at all and had all sorts of ridiculous beliefs about them, despite having never been here before. Finally I?ve convinced him to come out here and I hope he?ll be better behaved," replied Spike.
"Does he look like you?" asked Twinkle Twirl.
"To an extent, yes. He?s much taller and his spikes are actually dangerous. He could cause serious damage in an instant," added Spike.
"And you just invited him to come here to Ponyville?" questioned Pinkie Pie.
"Well I wanted him to see for himself what this place was like. I guess I hadn?t thought about what may happen as a result," admitted Spike.
"Is there anything special we can do for Spikeus, dahling?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"Won?t do any good. Spikeus needs to see for himself what this place is like. Any changes would make him believe a lie," noted Spike.
"Is the ground shaking or is it just me?" asked Twinkle Twirl.
"Oh good heavens! He?s coming! Grab the sturdiest objects you can to cover your head. He?s a monster!" shouted Spike.
"What a dump! All this color makes me nauseous. What are you doing with these rejects?" questioned Spikeus.
"Now wait a minute, Spikeus. I?m Pinkie Pie and that?s no way to treat anyone you?ve never met before. I can?t say we would?ve all necessarily been willing to say hi if we?d met you first but to make assumptions about us and our town is no way to treat us when we?ve done nothing to you," protested Pinkie Pie.
"So what? I don?t need a reason to call something bad. Where?s my cousin? I want to make him pay for sending me all the way out here," replied Spikeus.
"I?m right here, Spikeus. I brought you out here to show you that what you saw and what you believe aren?t the same thing. You?ve continued to show no respect for the ponies of Ponyville and that?s truly a shame. These ponies have done much for me over the years. They cleaned me up when I first came out from my underground slumber. They also showed me where I went wrong with Wysteria?s duties as a princess. These ponies are my family. I wouldn?t trade them for anything in the world. If you aren?t willing to befriend them, fine but I will not stand by and let you berate them on their own turf," stated Spike.
"What a loser cousin. I?m out of here," said Spikeus before flying away.
"You did it, Spike. You stood up to your cousin," said Twinkle Twirl.
"Ah yes. I did didn?t I? I knew that?s the way it would go," assured Spike.
"Sure you did, Spike," said Pinkie Pie before she and the others laugh.