Compliments of Kimono
*At Celebration Castle...*
"Kimono, this is a lot of stuff. Are you sure we need to do all of it?" asked Pinkie Pie.
"It?s an essential list," agreed Kimono.
"Repainting the castle will take all day in itself. What?s so important about it?" replied Pinkie Pie.
"Every year at this time, there?s a Town Inspector that looks for imperfections that need to be addressed. Things like cracks in the foundation, paint chips and even decorations out of place. He?s very specific and very strict. We could?ve had these done by now but it seems everyone was too busy," explained Kimono.
"Until now, I didn?t even know we had a Town Inspector," stated Minty.
"Technically we don?t but they come to us every year, just not us only," corrected Kimono.
"So what order do we do these in, Kimono, dahling?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"We?ll have to do the quick ones first and save the longer ones for last," suggested Pinkie Pie.
"We?ll need to divide up jobs so the work is shared between us," added Kimono.
"We can handle the food mess," stated Sweetberry.
"Good. That?s a start but that doesn?t take very long. Someone will need to get paint ready for application to the castle, not to mention we?ll need ponies that can fly to reach the top," replied Kimono.
"We?ll report back in a few hours to check on progress," stated Pinkie Pie before everyone raced off. *An hour later...*
"There. All clean, dahlings," noted Rainbow Dash at the Cotton Candy Cafe?s counter.
"Now all we have left to do is the castle. Star Catcher, can you and the other pegasus ponies do the top part and we?ll handle the bottom?" requested Pinkie Pie.
"Consider it done," said Star Catcher.
"When you say paint, do you mean painting a picture or the entire castle?" questioned Thistle Whistle.
"It?ll be fine, Thistle. We?ll all be painting together. Plus the castle will look brand new," assured Island Delight.
"We don?t have a moment to lose. Let?s get painting," stated Kimono. *6 hours later...*
"Whew, that was a job and a half," said Minty.
"You said it, Minty. I?m all worn out," agreed Pinkie Pie.
"Don?t look now but the inspector is coming. Everyone be ready," whispered Kimono.
"So this is Ponyville is it? Well I expect cleanliness everywhere. Shall we begin?" asked the Inspector.
"Lead the way," answered Pinkie Pie.
"It had better not be dirty anywhere. Failure will have grave consequences," warned the inspector. *The ponies tour the town.*
"So, Mr. Inspector. Did we pass?" asked Minty.
"Only just. Seemed there was still work going on inside as I was passing through, as if you all weren?t ready for my arrival. Until next year, farewell," noted the inspector before walking away.
"That was too close. I thought we?d fail for sure," said Minty.
"All that matters is we didn?t fail. We did it as a team," said Star Catcher.