The father took one more swig of his bottle until it was empty and said, "Go die in an alleyway you fuck!" And he threw the bottle at the fox and slammed the door. Kuro sat there, reaching out until the door slammed!
"GUHH!" Kuro gasped for breath as he jolted awake, he breathed heavily... Looking around frantically, he could see the cubicle where he was living in. He glanced at the alarm clock next to him, it was 4:37 AM. He slowered his breathing and let out a long slow breath... "That was too real.." He said to himself.
"You okay?"
"Gaah!" He yelled in shock! He looked over to see Ren in the corner making a shushing motion. "Quiet down man, people are trying to sleep" He said softly.
"Well you could've not scare me like that!?" Kuro said back but in an agitated tone. He felt a tear on his chin, "guhh," he wiped his eyes, "Why are you here anyway? Didn't you have that date?" Ren got up from his chair that he was sitting on in the corner and stretched, "Nah, she decided to cancel last minute.. Now, enough bouncing around the question. Are you okay?"
"Heh.. Yeah. I just had a nightmare was all..." Kuro sat upright in the bed. "Mind talking about it?" Ren asks. Kuro thought for a moment, he didn't have too many friends... really Ren was one of his only consistent friends as of late but only because Ren keeps talking to him. He figured since he's supposed to transition into the "real world" he might as well. He scooted back, letting the human sit on the side of the bed.
"You have a cool tattoo by the way." Ren tells the fox, referring to his moon-like shape on his chest, "it's actually a birthmark.." Kuro replied. The two began talking for the rest of the night. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Oh hi! here's the follow up drawing to this drawing I did on my livestream tonight. Turns out that it was a flashback dream! WOWZERS!
Anyway! I really hope you enjoyed this drawing and stories! I really had nothing to go off of and I wanted to make the drawing connect with my sona's present self. As if he is having nightmares due to him trying to get off the streets and is in fear he'll end up on the streets again. Again, sorry for the dark story but it is essential to my sona's past and is part of the novel I've been developing about him since 2014. So if you want to see more of his story, stay tuned.
Originally posted on FA on Apr 3, 2021 09:42 PM __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Artist: