Once again I am back with another drawing I finished on my twitch livestream that just so happens to be the result of the strawpoll that Lucario's Punch, Double Back, and Firey Chaos are from. If you want you can find the straw poll results here >>here<<.
Once again I will say that these drawing were initially to help me with my dynamic poses but now it's more-so helping me out with backgrounds and different effects. such as fire and now E L E C T R I C I T Y!!!! I hope you enjoyed this and sorry for the lack in posts... this kind of took up a lot of that time and (If you watch my livestreams) I am working on panels and banners :D. Once again, I am extremely proud of myself with this one!!! I love how it turned out and I can't wait to see what you all think as well :) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________