Also "Trim the pork" "Reduce pork barrel spending" etc.
This is both a fat-shaming comic and an explanation of my libertarian/classical liberal ideology. I'm getting more tradcon as things rally to hate me for being right of center though.
And again, just because you're cutting money somewhere or losing weight doesn't necessarily mean it's a good loss. Like if you're several hundred pounds overweight and get your feet amputated for diabetes to the point that you lose a hundred pounds to the amputation doesn't mean that was a healthy weight loss, it's a sign that something or several somethings went horribly, horribly wrong to get you to that point, and no longer having a leg to stand on means it'll be harder to burn your excess fat in other areas.
This was originally going to have eight panels or six, but I wound up with too much to say for the latter and the only thing I could think of for the former was running off track and going on another unrelated tangent about the fat analogy.