I have no remorse for drawing this art at all. feeding your partner with some chocolates is more romantic than feeding them with hamburgers with their bare hands. YUCK! And Swifty spilled his smoothie. the same smoothie from that awful episode. He totally deserves that and he deserves to watch Perci feeding Amy with some chocolate from a cute box. Karma is a bitch.
Yeah. Totally. Bey that green shit sabotaged Perci's bike. In my version, Sonic, Knuckles and Amy geniunely help her. While AMy wamrly and sweelty nurses the injured Perci while Sonic and Knuckles investigated the bike and they saw some green hair on her bike. Sonic will be like *I smell a rat.*
Yeah. Totally. Bey that green shit sabotaged Perci's bike. In my version, Sonic, Knuckles and Amy ge