I got this Dog Adopt from Kyoki-Exe
Name: Dean
Species: Dog (Mongrel)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 200Ibs
Fur color: Mixed
Eye color: Dark-Purple
Birthplace: Albany, New York
Birthdate: May 17th, 1999
Occupation: Bondage Tester
Personality: Exciting
Likes: Being bound in different methods of Bondage, listening to music, reading.
Dislikes: Being Bound when he has to go to the bathroom, Anything that has to do with Religion.
Hobbies: Always asking to be put through bondage, Walking, Drawing.
Habits: Struggles against his bonds, complains if he is bound too tight.
Background: Dean was born a male Mongrel dog in May of 1999. He was born with orange fur, with beige on his chest, hands, feet, tips of his ears, parts of his head and half of his tail. He also had unique red lines around his body and dark-purple on the soles of his hands and feet, same colored round marks on his face along with a dark-purple nose, tongue and eyes.
Dean was raised at an orphanage in Albany, New York. His parents were still unknown. Dean was a rather strange and curious dog. As a kid, he was obsessed with one thing, being Bound and Gagged. During is school days, the bullies would have Dean tied up and tossed into the closet or his locker. To their confusion, Dean enjoyed it. Back at the Orphanage, Dean and the other kids would play Rescue. Dean always volunteered to be the one who got kidnapped. He also liked to wrap himself in his blanket and wiggle around and lay on the floor in it.
Everyone thought Dean was going through a phase, but as he got older, Dean always made drawings of himself in situations where he was bound. When Dean was fourteen, he was called into the schools principals office after a teacher confiscated his journal which had dozens of drawing of Dean being bound and gagged. The principal told Dean that he was gonna have him sent to a Christian Summer Camp to help him get over his obsession with bondage.
As Dean walked back home from school in anger, he accidentally bumped into an adult male Rottweiler. Dean apologized to him and went to get his journal, but the Rottweiler picked it up and saw the drawings of Dean and thought they looked rather good. Dean explained to the Rottweiler that he loved being bound all the time, but everyone else thought he was weird and wanted to send him to a religious camp for help. Dean said he just wanted to be himself, then the Rottweiler told him he would be able to help him. The Rottweiler introduced himself as Vincent and that he was one of several directors that were in charge of a secret Bondage facility where animals could practice in bondage.
Dean was so excited by what he heard, he asked Vincent if he could take him there. Vincent asked Dean if he was sure about going, because Vincent made it clear that once someone joins the facility, it becomes their new home for life. Dean kept a serious look at Vincent, who didn’t say no to the dog.
After Vincent adopted Dean, he drove him to an abandoned warehouse, where a delivery truck was waiting. Dean saw a Polar Bear and a Gorilla by the back of the truck and were holding a body bag, hood and straps. Vincent explained to Dean they had to take measures when transporting newcomers to the facility. The guards walked over to Dean and started stuffing him in the body bag. Dean felt the interior sleeves were as if he was wearing a straitjacket. They then put the straps around Deans bag and carried him into the truck. Dean saw there were other animals restrained the same way he was. Once the guards strapped him down into the empty seat, they placed the hood over Deans head. Dean could still speak, but in muffles and wasn’t able to see anything.
Dean then heard the doors close and the truck starting and moving. Dean wiggled in his comfy restraints. After a while, he heard the sound of a boat horn and realized they were at sea. Dean fell in and out of sleep and felt a little board. Eventually, Dean heard the doors open and his hood removed to see Vincent. Dean was carried off the truck and taken out of his restraints. Dean and the others were introduced to the directors of the Bondage Facility.
The directors explained that the facility was their new home. Like the others, Dean was given examinations and was asked if he wanted to be a Bondage Tester or Restrainer. Dean chose to be a Tester. He was then taken to his new living quarters, where he met his roommate, a male wolf named Ace who was a Bondage Restrainer.
At the facility, Dean learned it was on a remote island, which he was allowed to walk around. Dean asked about all the kinds of Bondage methods they had and that Ace was going to be the one who mainly restrained him, but would sometimes be bound with him also.
Dean was bound with rope, gagged with cloth, stuffed in a sack, locked in a trunk, locked in stockades, chained, put in straitjackets and the body bags, locked in a padded room and Dean enjoyed all of them. Dean also enjoyed being Mummified alive in Bandages. He was always wrapped very tight, he found it hard to move or muffle and was usually kept mummified for days when it was Done by Ace. Dean was always caught by surprise when he was grabbed from behind and knocked out. When he woke, he found himself being bound.
Dean liked bondage, but found it hard to enjoy at times. Whenever he was in Bondage, Dean kept struggling to get free because he had to go to the bathroom. When they were relaxing on the beach, Dean was always buried up to his neck in sand.
There were also bondage methods that were a bit extreme. Dean was locked up in Steel boxes with holes to secure his head out, trapped as a trophy wall mount, secured in a skin tight sack, which could be inflated, mummified in duct tape and breath play.
Dean was put through all the bondage methods for many years. When he wasn’t doing bondage, Dean was relaxing in his room, listening to music, reading, watching tv or drawing. Dean got along very well with Ace, they became good friends and with everyone at the facility. Dean found his new life at the Bondage Facility was incredible and didn’t trade it for anything.
4 years ago
03 Mar 2021 03:28 CET
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