I am so proud. I got my first hater and he is sooooouuuuuuu CUTE!
Trying to annoy daddy. But without me he woudn't even exist.
He is so tiny and barks around. Soo sweet.
Zaiks by me, and the undefined wolf respresends [iconname]EVERYONEhatesZaiks[/iconname]
look at his first words!
I think I will keep him as a char in Zaiks world. A little imp just against everything Zaiks does. But unable to do anything XD I call him.....
Yes! Mud!
So greet all the king of haters, mud!
What a shame the hater deleted his account. And it was so much fun XD
At least I uploaded his first and last troll he made!
I also think I write down the short story, so you know what happenes.
Out of nowhere this random comment appeared. Made by a user called "EveryoneHatesZaiks".
First I was a bit confused. I mean he tryed to appear like he knew me. He guessed into the unknown and I was sure, that he was just guessing some stereotypes he thinks about a pedophile furry guy here.
Means after 5 Minutes I was very certain, that he was just a random troll, I never meet in my life.
Then I created a counter journal where I presented him proud as a trophy. My first hater. I mean every big artists has haters!
Now in this journal he started a dialog with me, I haven't screenshooted. What a shame. But I can try to recreate the content here.
In this journal where I presented him as a trophy, he commented why I don't make journals aswell about childabusing and rassicm at school where I mobbed other children. So.. Obviously a troll. I never did anything like this.
Here I went into the offensive. "Oh yeah, I sort of remember. But wich school was it again?" I wanted him to prove that he has no real information about me. He avioded my challange to call a school by name, by declaring that it would be illeagal. Mabe something by datasecurity.
I never heared about "calling a school by it's name" being a crime. Facebook even gives the profile information about the schools a person attended. XD
So I gave him the official permission to call the school by it's name. And that I won't sue him for mentioning it. And he became quite. I was totaly sure he is just a poor sad person. Now I made this scetch here. I sort of had it in my mind and I loved it!
Made it - uploaded it.
Then quietly after an hour he deleted his account without me noticing it. Just some comments of my dear followers mentioned that he deleted his account. Welp. That was the story of mud. I knew him for just a few hours.
So actually it was funny. You guys gave me a great feedback! And your support is amazing! Thank you all. It was great! Actually this Troll just improved my relationship with my followers. I sort of want to thank him. XD
But I want to thank all of you too.
And since I want to keep my account clean I screenshootet the journal now because I will delete it. But I don't want all your gloryous comments to be forgotten. So this is picture here. This upload. Is my little mud daycare.
zaiks mckraven
4 years ago
03 Feb 2021 14:33 CET
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