Character Sheet for Marzipan
Void of gender. both he/she fine.
None. Has traits of various animals, such as: capybara, nutria, tapir, guinea pig, eohippus (proto horse), thylacoleo (marsupial lion), and arboreal animals in general
Character Description
A strange creature, reminiscent of a mammal that is between evolutionary states. It is not quite specialized for any one thing, instead, being adequate at a variety of things.
It looks like an herbivore, but is a carnivore.
It's method of predation is reliant on behaving like a prey animal, with a placid lumbering gait. It meanders around grazing animals and sniffs at the ground, seeming to be in search of greenery to eat as well. Once the target prey has lowered it's defenses, it moves quickly and attacks, killing most animals quickly with it's powerful crushing bite.
It is an obligate carnivore, though it cannot resist sampling plants, fruits and vegetables that interest it. It acts omnivorous and is very opportunistic, and enjoys to gorge itself full of food. It suffers from a lot of bowel distress and digestive issues, so it often burps and hiccups.
The fanciful physical elements such as devil tail, wings and spikeball are not always visible, though it always has an unusually long tail visible (just no spade tip).
The intelligence fluctuates, being somewhat sapiant, but still very instinct driven. It can enjoy human interaction, and likes human food and clothing.
It is lonesome, and receptive to socializing, though it is very particular. It spends most of it's time alone and roams indescriminately from forest to forest, city to city.
Mischievous, shy, devious, gluttonous, lustful, covetous, affectionate, clumsy
Food, ribbons and frills, head scritches, pretty girl animals
Nonspecific world, though imagine it in a setting that is like earth but with slight supernatural elements.
Thick build, like a well muscled animal, but not muscular. Just large and robust. Top heavy, but in the sense that the shoulder shape has a large, distinct curve and the pelvis and legs are tiny
Tapir hooves are slightly soft, give under pressure, and they are not very strong feeling. The hands are especially dextrous and the fur there is darkest and shortest. The hand is smooth to the touch, the claws are thick but not cumbersome. The hands are very articulated and can be used like a human's.
Black fur is thick and curly, thickest on the head, around where the hair/mane tends to grow. The belly fur is especially fluffy and curly, soft and not rough at all.
The tail is thin, like a cable, and unnaturally fluid and "loose". Not like a real prehensile tail; it moves like it has its own entire body. It can be used very precisely. The tail tip is hard and smooth and cold.
big sweaters, white frilly blouses, seifuku, skirts, socks
ribbons, headbands, bracelets, leg warmers