That tumblr is so wrong, yet so very right. I actually don't hate myself for liking it, since the Schiavo thing was a massive fiasco. I don't consider myself a bastard for liking it either, since I'd want my family to pull my plug if I was a vegetable. I ran it past them, but they said no. They want me to live if I become like that. I'll be basically dead anyway, so why not?
Anyway, great pic.
That tumblr is so wrong, yet so very right. I actually don't hate myself for liking it, since the S
I put it in writing that I am to be shot until I am unable to be revived if I become a vegetable, quadriplegic, or senile. Knowing my family, they'll keep me alive and gloat about it to my face. Knowing the way the world works, I'll be marked as the bad guy.
I put it in writing that I am to be shot until I am unable to be revived if I become a vegetable, qu