Been working on a new species lately, so this is half character, half species info XD
Sophie is a creature known as a Pixiemallow. Not born naturally, Pixiemallows are actually the result of a rare mutation that can appear in any sapient person regardless of gender or species. Pixiemallows begin their lives like any other member of their original species, never even knowing that they possess this mutation. After roughly 20 years of life, occurring on average between the person's age of 20 - 30, A person possessing the Pixiemallow mutation may suddenly begin to develop strange symptoms. The first is an odd tingling in the chest, sometimes accompanied by minor aches and pains. Soon after, they will notice the skin in the center of their chest begin to rise, growing larger by the day until the skin around the growth peels away to reveal the Heart Stone that had grown in their chest. The person then begins to experience further changes such as change in skin tone, height, and girth as well as increased appetites and heightened production of bodily gases. After the Heart Stone grows in, these mutations begin to happen at an increasingly accelerated rate until their full transformation is complete, typically finishing within one week of the first symptoms. Because it is so bound to the DNA, there is no cure or even treatment to the Pixiemallow transformation, though it is not uncommon for the mutation to lie dormant and instead, only manifest when around another Pixiemallow for an extended period of time.
The Pixiemallow transformation is filled with all manner of variations and additional mutations, still, there are a number of traits all Pixiemallows share. One is their Heart Stone. Every Pixiemallow has one and is actually a part of their body. The Heart Stone is hard as diamond and extremely difficult to harm. The color of the Heart Stone can range wildly and the markings on their cheeks are always the same color as the stone and they glow when happy. The color of the Heart Stone also represents the unique effect each Pixiemallow's gas can have. Indeed, Pixiemallows are extremely gassy creatures and their gas is quite powerful thanks to the effects it can have. A few recorded effects are as follows.
Green - Extreme stench (Even beyond the normal increase from the transformation)
Yellow - Extreme force (Enough to blow objects and people around)
Pink - Attract (causing roughly 50% of the people who smell it to desperately crave more, only snapping out of it if deprived for too long)
Orange - Enhanced appetite (causing vigorous eating for at least 8 hours after smelling it and only increasing with subsequent exposure)
Teal - Minty and invigorating (Resores energy to mind and body)
light green - Paralysis (Leaves one unable to move for a few minutes, but is increased with further exposure)
Along with the additional effects comes a remarkably increased odor and production, sometimes enhanced even further by effects. Most Pixiemallows also range from 2-4 feet in height, meaning that subjects often shrink with the transformation, however, their weight varies wildly and rarely ever actually decreases from their original weight. Despite the smaller size on average, the person's appetite actually increases 2-3 times that of their original and they gain the ability to eat just about anything, even gaining an appetite for large, live prey. Also despite shrinking, their girth actually tends to expand drastically, especially around the belly and all of the lower body. The total girth also tends to vary wildly as well, and despite any efforts they may make, Pixiemallows find it impossible to reduce their weight to any meaningful degree below they weight they possess after the transformation. Also, lacking any real muscle definition, Pixiemallows are extremely soft and squishy.
Other common mutations are the alteration of fur color, ear and tail shapes, the growth of tails and/or fur, fangs, and various bodily patterns as well as stretcher, more capacious orifices. Still, numerous other variants of the mutation have occurred as well with some as follows
Gigantism: Rarely, A Pixiemallow will grow larger instead, sometimes upwards of 20 feet. Those with this variant of the mutation experience an extremely vicious appetite and are compelled to eat non-stop until their transformation completes.
No size change: Though not super rare, it s still much more uncommon for a Pixiemallow to remain their original height when they transform.
Extreme Girth: A Pixiemallow will begin to pack on excessive amounts of weight as they transform, gaining an appetite almost as immense as one undergoing gigantism. The resulting Pixiemallow is extremely fat and most likely, barely mobile.
Hyper Endowment: A Pixiemallow will gain one or more excessively oversized assets such as enhanced sexual organs, breasts, and butt.
Feathers and wings: A Pixiemallow will grow a pair of wings and/or some feathers on their body that can be used to fly so long as they haven't otherwise grown too large to use them.
Pixiemallows also share a symbiotic trait with each other. Whenever two become close friends, their Heart stone will grow a bit and develop a piece that is a similar color to that of their friend, adding the gassy trait of their friend's to their own.
As for Sophie herself, her tale is a fine example of what being a P{ixiemallow is like. Sophie was originally human. She had lived a fairly average life with her parent, going to school, making friends and the like, but opting to skip out on college to pursue a career in writing while working as a store clerk on the side. It was at age 24 when her mutation began to manifest, co-workers looking at her with concern as her hands kept grazing over her chest and she seemed a little off. As the days went by, she could feel the growth on her chest expanding and there seemed to be something hard beneath it. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt and only caused moderate discomfort, deciding to skip out on the doctor as she felt no other ill effects. It wasn't until her Heart Stone finally escaped it's confinement before going to the doctor to discover the nature of her rare mutation. Learning there was naught she could do about it, she returned to work, keeping her condition on the down-low and hoping she could perhaps will the transformation into slowing or stopping, however, it would all be for naught. During the following days, she would begin to undergo the usual changes her mutation would cause, skin changing color, increased appetite, and increased flatulence that lead to more than a few embarrassing situations at her job. Naturally, her co-workers were shocked when they noticed her transformation progressing, but she had grown resigned to it, and soon after, she she rapidly completed her transformation right there behind the cash register in front of a group of customers. Sophie had finally gone from a 5'9 woman into a 2'2 tall blubber ball of a Pixiemallow.
As is usually the case with this transformation, Sophie felt extremely bloated with gas and released a colossal fart right there at the register. As she gagged and reeled from the overwhelming stench of her new gas, the customers joined her briefly before suddenly stopping, looking around, and reaching out for anything eddible in sight, immediately gorging themselves with whatever they could get their hands on. Amidst the chaos, law enforcement was called and Sophie was sent home, something she gladly did after that humiliating display, and besides, she was stark naked now with a rump that was impossible to miss. Taking a week off from work, Sophie used the time to reflect on her new body. Though it took some doing, Sophie managed to get used to her new appetite that cleaned out a month's worth of food from her apartment as well as her almost constantly rumbling rump and completely new proportions before returning to work. She has since gotten to rather like her new body, enjoying stuffing herself full and cutting loose, at least when not at work anyway.
These days, Sophie still works as a cashier at the same grocery store, though does her best to hold in her hunger educing gas all day. Though she wears clothes when out in public, she prefers to be in the buff when at home. Her food bill has also increased significantly, regularly eating meals that could feed a family of four. Still, she hasn't found it to be too much a problem however as she now uses her new abilities to eradicate pests from the apartment complex in exchange for greatly reduced rent. Despite everything, Sophie is also still pursuing a career as a writer.
Sophie is an upbeat and friendly girl, always greeting others with a smile. If anything, her transformation actually even furthered her already cheerful attitude, though she has also gotten a bit more mischievous with it as well. Sophie can also be a bit reckless and stubborn at times and her optimistic outlook on life tends to lead her through any problems she may encounter.
But yea, that's that for now. I'm still working on these guys seeing as I only came up with them today. I also like reading any thoughts and ideas folks have on this kind of stuff. I've added lore and ideas others have thrown my way to allot of things XD but yea, hope ya like!
4 years, 3 months ago
13 Nov 2020 19:21 CET
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