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Mindes' Porn Addiction

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by GrimArt
Addiction Cover
I was thinking about my friend who is addicted to porn. You need to learn to control how much porn you consume. You abuse your dopamine centers when you constantly look at porn, every day, jerking it often. Porn addiction is a real thing and it will make you dependent on the furry fandom for continued pleasure. That sounds like a joke, but it is not. Please be cognizant.

I could make an entire side story on Mindes getting addicted to porn because he doesn't get enough stimulation in the outside world and thus watching more and more extreme porn until having a normal relationship no longer seems like a feasible thing for his sexual urges.

pokemon 178,156, comic 81,062, vulpix 4,025, lycanroc 2,412
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 years, 8 months ago
Rating: General

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3 years, 8 months ago
Addictions like this are probably growing bigger with the pandemic as is, especially in countries that aren't treating it well. I myself have a bit of an addiction to porn, and I think it's one of the many reasons my own relationships never worked out.

I like to think I'm a bit better now, but my habits are pushed more towards creating porn rather than consuming it. Which granted, it's better to be productive/creative than to just consume, but it's still a bit of an addiction to tame. And as someone with ADHD, I think I'm more susceptible to Dopamine highs (and thus, addiction) than people without it. I also never really brought up my porn or even masturbation habits with a psychiatrist because...well that feels too personal to talk about most of the time.

I originally wanted to put on a joke comment and say, "I'm in this picture and I don't like it." But more accurately it'd be, "I'm in this picture and I'm growing to accept it."

3 years, 8 months ago
Heh, for me, I find that I've been becoming increasingly vanilla over the years, to the point where the main theme of this website - what I originally joined it for - grosses me out nowadays.

It honestly feels like growing up to me - I don't feel like I need anything fancy anymore, just give me a dick, I'll suck it, I'll enjoy riding it.  I guess in my case, it's probably because I have a lot less time nowadays, especially when I'm also trying to work on personal projects, which bring me much more fulfillment.  Comparing pawing to porn and working on a personal project is like comparing going to McDonalds to get a BigMac, and learning to cook on your own, picking ingredients, and making healthy and delicious meals.
3 years, 8 months ago
Sounds about right lol
3 years, 8 months ago
Buttttt not as worst as Anime
3 years, 8 months ago
Anime is more accepted than furry so I'd say worse than anime, because it has the underlying sexual attraction to animals.
3 years, 8 months ago
Anime has the very common underlying pedophelia though
3 years, 8 months ago
Cultural acceptance of those limits sure is something ain't it!
3 years, 8 months ago
An cubs are not a thing with Furs lol, an actual their is some fucked up anime out there, very out there.
3 years, 8 months ago
Cubs ARE made from the furry community. You're on InkBunny, the cub central of the furry community.
3 years, 8 months ago
So does the furry community with bestiality (and cub). Anime is publicly accepted; the furry community has an increasingly negative public image due to its primary focus being sexual, hence why it's not as accepted as anime.
3 years, 8 months ago
porn addiction is not necessarily bad for a "normal" relationship. as long as one is capable of keeping reality and fiction apart

(which more extreme fetishes actually make more easy, since they are often outright physically impossible in the real world)

One option that can make regular vanilla sex kinkier is spicing it up by fantasizing about extreme what-if-scenarios during sex. But in my opinion sex is more about giving your partner pleasure than having fun yourself. After all, if all you want is quick release, you can always   ...   watch some porn ;)

sex is more rewarding, because it's shared pleasure and especially given pleasure.

That doesn't mean one can't spice up regular sex with some more kinky things - bondage, bdsm themes, ... but one should always consider what the partner likes, not one's own urges.  IMHO - and the challenge "how quickly can I get my partner to orgasm" is in itself a pretty hot fetish, too.

One that is completely impossible by consuming porn

but porn is on the other hand more inspirational.
finding new extreme kinks one would never even have thought of oneself, which can sometimes be an inspiration for one's personal sex life, sexual roleplay, or fantasies.

I don't think its a bad thing if "vanilla porn" gets boring after a while. if the goal is to be inspired by something new, then obviously watching something one already knows can not possibly be as rewarding. That naturally leads to more extreme and extravagant things. But that in turn is always enriching and augmenting one's own experience.

I like that.

3 years, 8 months ago
There's also the fact that some people, like me, never really found human porn all that exciting in the first place.  Furry porn is nice for me because of how beautiful and cuddly-looking the characters are, but being gay...  I just think dudes generally look ugly, so had there not been furries, I might've considered myself to be asexual, or potentially solely into mtf trans gals.

But that's just porn, sex in real life feels to me to be much more about emotional bonding than it does about eye-candy or physical pleasure, and I feel like this is especially important when you consider that in the not-so-distant future, we'll all be old and ugly, and wouldn't make for good "personal porn stars" anyways.
3 years, 8 months ago
For those who are attracted only to anthros and not humans, they tend to become bestiality lovers far enough down the line. I see you have cub in your favorites. The future does not bode well for you.
3 years, 8 months ago
Huh, I do?  I'm pretty sure I have that keyword blocked - but at the same time, I don't consider chibies and/or smaller-sized characters with a grown-up mind to be cubs.  I used to enjoy actual cub art in the past, but nowadays it makes my stomach turn (this is what I referenced in that other comment I wrote).

And it's not that I'm not attracted to humans per se, I love my boyfriend and I enjoy the naughtier aspects of a relationship as well, I just find that my attraction to him is on a much deeper, more meaningful, emitonal level, it's not based on looks or "attraction" - i.e. lust.  Furries allowed me to realize that even I can love, and enjoy intimacy as well, and I don't see how this could be replaced with an animal - your suggestion of bestiality.
3 years, 8 months ago
I think you could see how it might lead to beastiality down the road if you allowed yourself to ponder. I mean, the furry fandom is legitimately anthropomorphized animals. Treads the line when artists or authors mention the "feral" category. I'm sure there are people who flirt with the idea because of the similarities and eventually legitimize the act in their own head. However, not everyone is that weak willed and it sounds like your doing well. I'm pretty sure Grim is just messing with ya.
3 years, 8 months ago
"I can stop masturbating any time I want!" XD
3 years, 8 months ago
Correction. Porn is not necessarily bad for a "normal" relationship. "Addiction" means you are dependent on it. You can include ALL the porn on the internet in your relationship and still be healthy. What matters is that you don't require all the crazy extreme porn to be able to get off or that you require porn period to even be happy period.

There is no good kind of addiction. But lots of porn is fine so long as its not an addiction :P
3 years, 8 months ago
The problem is, absolutely anything and everything that has the potential of being "pleasant", "fun", "exciting", anything we enjoy or look up to , which means it is corelated with increased dopamine levels in the brain, has the potential of becoming addictive.

Most people who play computer games don't become addixts, but some do.
Most people have sex without having a sex addiction, but some do.
Most people seek thrill and extreme sports only for the challenge, but some get seriously addicted.
Most consume porn for fun, but for some it becomes an obsession.

Some people have a higher likelyhood of getting addicted, period. That can be genetic, or the result of psychological factors. If you are going through depressions, you are likely to cling to anything that pulls you out ofvthe lethargy like a drowning one to a life saver ring. If there is only one thing.in your live left that gives you joy, then the risknof becoming unhealthily attached to.it is high, whether its an addictive activity, or actual drugs.

Often people blame the subject of addiction - the addictive activity, games, sex, dangerous sports, gambling,, actual drugs - for the addixtion, but thats IMHO shortsighted. Although certainly a factor  for " hard" drugs.  The cause for the addiction is rarely the "drug", and more often the life circumstances and personality of the addicted.

Of course the addiction then typically loops into a vicious circle, making everything worse. But it's not necessarily to blame. If the true cause isn't fixed, you can't cure addixtions, they either fall back or get addicted to something else, to escape their misery.

3 years, 8 months ago
I think you are missing the point of the picture. This picture isn't trying to say porn is bad or shame anyone for enjoying it. The way I interpret this post is "Hey if you feel you relate to this picture a little too much maybe take a second and think about whether that means anything". It's to remind people that there is such thing as too much of a good thing.
3 years, 8 months ago
i'd be more worried about gambling addiction especially with more and more phone games including "hey buy this and you can go play faster for a bit!" and console/pc games with loot boxes
3 years, 8 months ago
It's not a question nor matter of which addiction is worse.
3 years, 8 months ago
Not to sound too dramatic, but after the b/s I've had to deal with in past relationships, I'll take the porn any day if it means having more control over my life vs. people trying to manipulate and/or hurt me.
3 years, 8 months ago
So as someone with an oficial dianosis of "Sexual dysfunction, not otherwise specified" more or more commenly reffered to as hypersexuality i know this struggle very well. However i will add that properly produced porn also adds in a very important factor fo me, it's fantasy, consuming it will not ever harm any real life people, i can use it as a mitigating factor to let off steam, meaning i wont build up repressed urges that stress me out and can cause me to act out on them. However i've only reached this point of control through YEARS of therapy and help and i will forever need some form of monitoring and isolation from society despite this. So if you do notice yourself 'slipping down a slope' of more extreme porn please do seek help before you end up with real life regrets due to corruption of your moral standards. I already have regrets and consequences i will have to bear for the rest of my life and i can say they weigh heavy on the soul and i would not wish them to my worst enemies.
3 years, 8 months ago
ill prob get shit on for this but
equating this lycanroc having EXTREME FETISHES to having a preference for trans people is a little icky to me, especially on a comic that seems to have a message to the viewer. while trans chasers are an obnoxious, gross thing, i think something else a bit toxic is including the identity in what is supposed to be an example of wackadoo exotic porn. especially on a website where some already think transgender existence is only a fetish to be consumed. i once told someone here i'm trans and was replied with "oh... :/ i'm not into that fetish" with no sarcasm lmao

anyway yeah i think some people can suffer from diminishing returns of dopamine with constant daily jerking, esp in quarantine. tho I've met plenty of people who've had the fetishes baked into their sexuality rather than being "corrupted" into them.

tldr ignore me i am high and have nothing better to do than think too hard about the implications of doodley furry comics LMAO.
9 months, 1 week ago
3 years, 8 months ago
So true xdddd
3 years, 8 months ago
I really shouldn't be, but I'm upset about how true this is and now you got me all self concious about it. I admit I've had to start looking for somewhat more extremes to get my fix and now wonder if there is a cure so to say. Maybe just a long break from porn.
3 years, 8 months ago
I think the cure is looking for more healthy substitutes.  Self-actualization can be pretty darn rewarding, slowly making small steps towards learning a new skill or creating something of your own.
3 years, 8 months ago
Facts. Just wait a week at least. Browse that one night, call it good. Started doing that more often when I was just bored flipping through the art. Caught myself and started wondering if just taking a break would work. When my own imagination started kicking back in I realized it was safe to peruse art once more.
3 years, 8 months ago
Cute comic and it's great to see Mindes again, but you are absolutely right. Kink escalation is definitely a thing and it's a trap I found myself falling into for a few years before getting things under control and slowly learning to enjoy vanilla sex again. It takes awhile and a fair amount of discipline, but weening yourself off extreme stuff and saving it for occasional indulgences is totally doable with time and patience. ^_^
3 years, 8 months ago
now imagine having a very rare fetish where the content you can "find" on the tardwebs are few and gfar inbetween, or when you find similar ones they just don't trigger your brain :thinking:

3 years, 8 months ago
And then at his lowest point he prayed to Jesus and was healed of his need for Reefer The Demon Rum Homosexuality Communism Porn. Now he's the owner of a Fortune 500 Company with a house in the hills, a wife and 2.5 straight cis children.

Give me a break. We've had scaremongering bluenoses for decades. Centuries. This is the sadder, less unintentionally hilarious little step-cousin of "Pages of Death" and "Perversion for Profit." This won't get the PTA moms fainting in the folding chairs or the lace hanky grannies swooning in the church pews. Try again. And don't crib from comedy classics. Don't aim for "Reefer Madness" on the first blow.
3 years, 8 months ago
I feel like I just got Internet Commentiquetted.
3 years, 8 months ago
Been in the fandom since the mid-2000's, still get off to softcore.
2 years, 4 months ago
Ditto, except that I've been into the furry fandom since about ten years before you. I'm old. LOL!

I have never been attracted to extreme (and subjectively disgusting) fetishes seen in the fandom and never will be. I'm pretty darned vanilla.
3 years, 8 months ago
I think what you're saying now is a bit of a stretch. You initially had a good point with this comic, but now, seeing from some of your replies here (especially the one in response to baseballdude4578), you're simply just saying "If you're into this, you're gonna do this and it's gonna impact you in this way." That's just blatant assumption. Myself, for instance, follows and favorites lots of cub, but do I wanna commit acts such as those in reality? No, and I've never had any desire to, either.
3 years, 8 months ago
You had a PRETTY good point with the comic, I should say. I do think it's a bit of a generalization and exaggeration of this condition based on what you experienced with the friend you mentioned in the description.
3 years, 8 months ago
Don't put words into my mouth; that's not what I said. Thanks.
3 years, 8 months ago
"For those who are attracted only to anthros and not humans, they tend to become bestiality lovers far enough down the line. I see you have cub in your favorites. The future does not bode well for you."

What else does this response to that other user imply, then? Maybe I am misunderstanding?
3 years, 8 months ago
I invite you to read this comment: https://inkbunny.net/s/2280259#commentid_6600013
3 years, 8 months ago
Yes, I've read that comment. Buut, you haven't answered my question of what your reply to that other user above was implying.
3 years, 8 months ago
I will point out the parts of it that explain: "I would make a hypothesis that furries are at slightly more risk of getting into zoophilia/bestiality than a non-furry porn addict[...]I've noticed that those who are sexually attracted to anthros are more likely to become bestiality lovers than those who are not sexually attracted to anthros[...]For those who are cub-lovers, there is an inherent risk that they will turn to human child porn (loli/shota) before turning to real children[..] because the fandom sees minors joining often, it becomes a dangerous situation that has repercussions (I am a victim of grooming by a furry when I was a minor, for example)."
" Optional additional reading: "Hebephilia (11-14 years of age) is more prevalent in the community (from my observations, as it is a 'hidden' philia--one that happens behind 'closed doors' or in private chat between real people rather than fursonas, thus more rampant) than pedophilia (which I consider cub-lovers to be, using fursonas)."
3 years, 8 months ago
Note, however, that in the full context, I do state that cub-lovers are less likely to become real life predators of minors below 11 years of age due to the fact that you have to make the bridge from furry art to human art, and then human art to real humans. Some HAVE jumped that gap without even taking in human loli/shota. It is rare but those are the cases you end up hearing on the news. The cases you don't hear are the ones who are going: furry > loli > real, instead of furry > real. Those who are hebephiles are much more likely to go furry > real without bothering with human teen art, especially with the variety of law regarding age of consent and culture and what not. You also have those who simply don't care about age to a certain point, and are not necessarily hebephiles (for example, a 19 year old interacting sexually with a 14 year old, but not specifically because of their age). I have a prominent example of this in the fandom, but will not name names as I do not wish to upset people.
3 years, 8 months ago
I don't think that there is an "inherent risk" of this happening. I am very sorry that you've been victimized by child grooming, but I think you must consider that there are many other contributing factors that lead to someone conducting in such a thing. You summing it up simply to the porn they consume/consumed is rather naive.
3 years, 8 months ago
It is, by definition, an inherent risk, as they are attracted to underage characters. If they are attracted to humans and furries, there is an inherent risk that they may start to consume human loli/shota porn alongside cub porn. This is demonstrated in sexual fetish studies. You can even acquire a sexual fetish merely from repeated positive exposure (https://www.gwern.net/docs/psychology/1966-rachman.pdf A study of men conditioned to become sexually aroused by the sight of boots). I did not sum it up as the porn being the only cause, nor did I state this.
3 years, 8 months ago
I'm saying there's no inherent risk of those who like cub and loli/shota shifting to the grooming of actual children. How does loli/shota and cub transition to child grooming and manipulation? There's a lot more things that goes into a person resorting to such unsavory actions than just exposure and consumption of certain types of porn.
3 years, 8 months ago
My experience of being groomed proves that there is inherent risk of a cub lover shifting to grooming actual children. Of course, this does not mean all will become a predator. That is why I said it is a risk, not a certainty. I know not all cub lovers will become real predators, and not all cub lovers will look at human loli/shota. That's why I did not say those things, and I did not say it was a definite that these people will become anything. I said there is a risk. If you deny the risk, you deny the fact that if one child on the internet can be groomed by a cub lover, any cub lover can be at risk for eventually trying to groom a child online. That's not to say all will try eventually, or even a majority. But there is a risk that some might. Hence my statement.
3 years, 8 months ago
Moving this reply.
3 years, 8 months ago
"For those who are cub-lovers, there is an inherent risk that they will turn to human child porn (loli/shota) before turning to real children[..] because the fandom sees minors joining often, it becomes a dangerous situation that has repercussions"

And, yes you did.
3 years, 8 months ago
" there is an inherent risk that they will turn to human child porn (loli/shota)"
It does not say they definitely will. It says there is a risk that they will. A risk means that there is a possibility, not a guarantee.
3 years, 8 months ago
Well, there you go, now you're making sense. Thank you for clarifying. But, again, I still think there's more to what happened to you than that person simply being a "cub-lover," if they'd resorted to something like that, I think they had/have a few screws loose already.
3 years, 8 months ago
I just do not believe there's some chance that an ordinary person will get into cub or loli and then decide they're gonna prey on children. There would have to have already been something wrong with said person to cause them to do such a thing. That's a biiig leap that cannot be the product of simply looking at certain porn. That person has to have had something more to make them snap. The way you were describing it, it sounds like you're saying that there is no other variable that goes into a person harming children in the community than if they're into cub or not into cub.
3 years, 8 months ago
It seems Inkbunny's comment thread structure is at its limits lol. With the flu, there is more than one symptom. With cub-lovers in situations where they have access to someone like me, it's rarely ever just one thing that causes someone to become a cub-lover, or even bestiality lover. Many of our experiences in life contribute to our fetishes and susceptibility to positive acquirement of new fetishes/philias. It would be crass to say that a cub lover only becomes a cub lover through exposure to porn; though it can be a contributor! Much like coughing can be a contributing symptom of the flu (but not the only symptom, and a symptom that can be attributed to other things as well). Few things in the world are so black-and-white. When people propose theses, it's not to say "Only because of X that Y happens" (unless they actually say "only"). It's "Because of X, Y happens." And another person can say "Because of Z, Y happens," and both "because of X, Y happens" and "Because of Z, Y happens" can be true at the same time. It can be true that cub-lovers are at greater risk of becoming predators as well as be true that not all cub-lovers will become predators. Most cub-lovers are harmless, as is the case with most pedophiles (as in, they either consume paintings/3d/whatever of children, whether furry or human; instead of consuming real human child porn, which would be hurting children). I don't have a negative view of cub-lovers because I was groomed by one. I just saw your other comment so I'll reply to that here too. As my other comment said, "With pedophilia, a person who is porn-addicted will RARELY become a consumer of child pornography; that is to say, the majority of porn addicts will not become pedophiles."  https://dogpatch.press/2017/10/23/r-c-fox-arrested/ Even non-cub-loving furs can be pedophiles.
3 years, 8 months ago
Human beings at a genetic level are designed to spread their genes far and wide. Its why we find exotic things attractive. Its why opposites attract. Its why illustrated animal people are hot™.

Suppressing this base instinct doesn't accomplish anything, nor does it give anyone any sort of moral high ground on the topic. It doesn't accomplish anything aside from the pot calling the kettle black.

Yes, people can be addicted to porn/sex/whacking it/ whatever, but addictions and addictive substances/concepts surround all of us in mass on the daily. Have you ever had alcohol? Caffeine? Sugar? Guess what, those are addictive.

Have you ever had a hug from someone you cared about? Positive reinforcement from a peer? They're both happy-brain-chemical producing experiences, and guess what, happy brain chemicals are addictive.

People are hungry receptacles for people and things that produce happiness.

Analyzing the situation for curious/beneficial reasons is one thing, but coming on here pretending you're a therapist waving your logic stick at people from your non existent moral high ground just makes you look like a dumb asshole.

"I see you have cub in your favorites, the future does not bode well for you." Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

I see you draw non-con and murder, I guess the future doesn't bode well for you either, right? Or, hear me out this is going to sound crazy; maybe most people have the common sense to differentiate fantasy from reality, and aren't controlled by the things they enjoy and or make them happy.
3 years, 8 months ago
I literally wish I could thumb this response up 50 times. Well said.
3 years, 8 months ago
Your lack of knowledge on this subject is what hurts the understanding of porn addiction. Porn addiction is different from an addiction to sex or gaming, and your lack of understanding will continue to spread misinformation on the subject. I guess this would be a very good incentive for me to produce a comic about Mindes, as I was talking in my description about it. It's worrying how misinformed you and some others seem to be on this subject. I know first graders who are addicted to porn. My partner is studying for her PhD in the Neurology field; I'm going off that and what we learned during my studies during my MD. As you can see, this is a problem that people in the comments may suffer from (even if they aren't, they're becoming aware that it may become an issue in the future). You seem emotionally charged toward this topic. Is there something you wish to discuss in private? My PMs are open. There is no shame in seeking help, assistance, guidance, and I never want you to feel like there is.
3 years, 8 months ago
Thanks doc. If I ever want a holier-than-thou esqued diagnosis on how my taste in furry porn is going to ruin my life, you will be the first person I call.

3 years, 8 months ago
That's not what I said; it is interesting that you interpret it that way, though. Why do you find me so threatening that you have to be passive aggressive?
3 years, 6 months ago
While I can see why you'd think they're being "holier-than-thou," I think you're mostly projecting that tone onto their comment. Porn addiction is very real, and has done a lot of damage to my life. I have no friends, no social life, the world is a boring and grey place to me, and for almost two decades porn has been a mainstay because it's the only consistent pleasure I have.
3 years, 6 months ago
That sounds less like the fault of a porn addiction, and more of a much larger personal problem with porn consumption increased as a result. Im not a doctor though, and I would recommend consulting an actual medical professional.
3 years, 6 months ago
Am actually looking into that very recently. I certainly haven't given up on my life yet! I appreciate the concern :)

Yes, it is highly anecdotal testimony, and certainly porn doesn't affect everyone the same way. We're all different, but I think it's important to realize that porn does affect some or even most people this way. I obviously have no data to work with. I'm not condemning porn, I just think that PSA's from many sectors regarding its responsible use are valuable. That's not to say your opinion is in any way invalidated, I just think it's a multi-faceted issue.
3 years, 8 months ago
So like, when people say that they're concerned about the abundance of underage characters in sexual furry art... now you know why. It's not that they think characters in the art is real, that's reductive - it's because of what you've pointed out here. Same with feral artwork. I'm sure someone will disagree though, but you definitely put your finger on the crux of the subject here.
3 years, 8 months ago
With pedophilia, a person who is porn-addicted will RARELY become a consumer of child pornography; that is to say, the majority of porn addicts will not become pedophiles. I would make a hypothesis that furries are at slightly more risk of getting into zoophilia/bestiality than a non-furry porn addict.There has not been any published study (at least that I'm aware of) looking into the rate of furries or porn addicts who end up being into feral porn after x number of years. From my own observations, though, I've noticed that those who are sexually attracted to anthros are more likely to become bestiality lovers than those who are not sexually attracted to anthros. This is not a large portion of the furry community, and it will become harder for a study in the future due to the small but vocal pushback on twitter of furries who 'out' zoophiliacs/bestiality lovers. I would not say "if you are in the furry community, you will become a bestiality lover/zoophiliac," but I would dare say, "if you are in the furry community, there is an increased possibility that you will become a bestiality lover/zoophiliac." Depending on your exposure to animals in your childhood, the possibility increases further. I would say that most furries who are also porn addicts will not become cub-lovers. I cannot say the same about zoophilia/bestiality as there are no studies as far as I am aware. For those who are cub-lovers, there is an inherent risk that they will turn to human child porn (loli/shota) before turning to real children, but with cub-lovers, there is the immediate gap of furry to human that must be covered, making it far less likely that a cub-lover would seek actual children any time soon. However, because the fandom sees minors joining often, it becomes a dangerous situation that has repercussions (I am a victim of grooming by a furry when I was a minor, for example). Hebephilia (11-14 years of age) is more prevalent in the community (from my observations, as it is a 'hidden' philia--one that happens behind 'closed doors' or in private chat between real people rather than fursonas, thus more rampant) than pedophilia (which I consider cub-lovers to be, using fursonas).
3 years, 8 months ago
"It would be crass to say that a cub lover only becomes a cub lover through exposure to porn; though it can be a contributor! Much like coughing can be a contributing symptom of the flu (but not the only symptom, and a symptom that can be attributed to other things as well)."

When you're saying "cub-lover" in what I quoted above, you mean child predator, right? Because, what I'm saying is that cub or loli/shota porn on its own IS NOT going to convert some ordinary joe who simply thinks it's hot into a child predator, it's a matter of how mentally well that person is while viewing such things. And that goes for anything. For instance, video games; they do not make people into killers. If someone can be influenced that far by a form of media they're consuming, then that person is mentally unwell or is just really dumb. And so, I believe that the majority of people who enjoy cub (including myself) are not crazies who would potentially prey on kids.

I'm just saying this in case you're misunderstanding me.

(I also decided to make a new comment instead of a reply because IB is making the comments all weirdly organized)
3 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for making a new thread. Easier to read, this way! When I say cub-lover, it is referring to someone who is sexually attracted to furry minors. A child predator is someone who attempts to enact their sexual desires on a real human being (I'd even go so far as to say those who seek real child pornography as well, as a child is hurt regardless in the production of the content). Hence why I mentioned "predator" and "cub-lover" separately in sentences like "I know not all cub lovers will become real predators." Very important to make that distinction, as not all pedophiles are child predators, and not all pedophiles want to enact their fantasies on real children. (I was thinking about writing a story on this topic, too, as it is not well understood. I see people all the time saying "all pedophiles should die", but not all pedophiles like that they are pedophiles--they dislike having to feel the urges they do--and some other pedophiles (such as cub-lovers or anime shota/loli) want nothing to do with real children. There is a risk, as I've said before, but the majority of those two specific categories of pedophile do not want to enact their desires on real children.)
3 years, 8 months ago
I've actually touched briefly on the topic of taboo fetishes/philias in 'Trust Me/I Trusted You'. In I Trusted You, the fetish was the result of grooming: https://inkbunny.net/s/1670611 In Trust Me, it touches on the more morally/ethically ambiguous aspect of one's fetish https://inkbunny.net/s/1670603 Though I would love to go more in depth on the aspects of pedophilia that do not involve wanting to harm an actual child.
3 years, 8 months ago
No problem. And, I see, I just wanted to make sure you weren't thinking I was saying that people who are into cub (cub-lovers) are child predators, or something like that, because I don't think that at all, and I'm glad you don't, either. There's a big difference and, again, I can safely say a majority of people who like cub and loli/shota (including myself), would not conduct in harming children.

I think we've discussed this long enough. I understand you now, even if I don't agree entirely. Thanks for even bothering to keep replying and remaining civil! <3
3 years, 7 months ago
There are walls of text in the comment sections I don't have time to read about this, but I will say that this is something I can't deny myself. My gallery is probably the best example (albeit with a longer timeframe than 6 months.)
3 years, 6 months ago
Pretty much me. It's a fairly common problem these days. I think it's important to explore topics like these, especially through art (because idk, it's more engaging than a dry study). Thanks for doing this.
3 years, 6 months ago
I've watched porn artists content become more and more extreme as time goes on, presumably as it gets harder and harder to get off. It's definitely a hard problem to tackle, because so much of it is basically unmeasurable and subjective. It really is up to the individual to conquer their vices on their own.
3 years, 5 months ago
Does this mean I could be the direct cause of people's problems? ...

I don't have any porn addiction, but my "fetishes" have been the same for years and pretty extreme at times. I don't know. I don't "jack off" to any of it, it's more an outlet for deeper emotions. It doesn't even arouse me. It's just, idk, exciting like anything else, like an action movie or horror novel.

I viciously hate the idea I could be hurting someone by doing what I do creatively by myself. But at the same time I'm not out to be some saintly advocate of mental celibacy. :/
3 years, 5 months ago
In most cases, I don't believe in stifling one's creations because they fear they may negatively impact someone. Everyone does not have the same mind, so everyone is affected differently by created content. I create furry porn despite knowing that there are furries in this community who have a porn addiction problem--that's not my problem to worry about, nor is it any other furry porn artists' problem. We shouldn't stop making content just because a small few are affected negatively by it. Some people are emotionally negatively affected by reading these comics, but by no means will I stop making it because of them.
3 years, 5 months ago
omg, i am not the only one
2 years, 4 months ago
Now the story for the Addiction comic makes more sense. I hope your friend did seek professional help and followed the guise.
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