Walking into the closed dance studio was a bad idea. I knew it from the start. I was encouraged by friends to explore it for a Youtube video. I sighed as they all snook into an open basement window. The place was dusty but in pretty good shape. While they explored the empty halls and empty rooms. I told his friends that something felt off and they told me to stop listening to ghost stories.
We were in the building for less than an hour when they found the auditorium. I walked up on stage along with my friends. I stared in the empty seats. I’ve always had stage fright and the thought of performing wasn’t a pleasant one. That’s when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Among all the junk shattered about was a pink wand with a star. It stood out because it looked almost brand new. No dust. No nicks or scratches. I decided to pick it up while I called for my friends. They were close up and admitted that it was kinda creepy.
That’s when the stage lights turned on. I wanted to run but I was frozen in place. The light was so bright. I could barely make out if my friends had run off. I felt odd. My clothes, they were becoming tighter. They were not only getting more tight but they’re neutral hue were becoming for bright. In fact they were becoming pink. I didn’t know what to do. My pants and shirt started becoming one and was I shrinking? I was. I was getting shorter. I was getting hot too. I felt itchy. Fur. Fur was now starting to grow out of me. Black fur that was an extreme contrast to my now pink clothes.
There was a soft plop and new sensation came to life. A tail. A furry black and white tail. I tired to yell but instead of an male adult voice coming out of my mouth it was one of a much younger person. Not only was I now younger sounding my voice sounded more girly. My nose tickled and it a sneeze I felt that my mouth had changed. Instead of by face being pretty flat beside my nose I can now see a furry muzzle.
That was followed by a slight ringing in my ear. The ringing became like a piano playing. I shook my head as I can feel my ears change but I could also feel the soft pat of a ponytail. My ear was no where long enough to ever do a ponytail.
I stared into the now dimming light. My eyes focusing as I see figured form in the seats in front of me. The figures soon became clear. There was a stage of not humans and not animals. They were something in between. I looked to the side where my friends had been. Instead of my adult human friends were little girls in pink ballerina outfits.
They were different kind of anthropomorphic animals. Even the I couldn’t recognize them I knew they were still the friends I had come in with. They were all dancing smiling and I was just there. Not moving. I could feel all eyes on me. Still holding the pink wand. I hear a voice, a voice I could recognize. It was my mother. She was cheering from the audience. Telling me she believed in me. I closed my eyes and it was like I knew the dance moves. I started dancing too. I. I started actually feeling happy. I felt a smile on my new muzzle. A genuine smile.
After we dance the audience clapped and we took our bows and walked back stage. There were cubbies with different names. Even though it wasn’t the name I knew it felt like it was my name. I pulled the jacket off and put it on. I walked into a room where parents were hugging my friends. They didn’t say anything and I didn’t ether. A anthropomorphic skunk came and hugged me. I didn’t know her but I still felt like this was my mom.
I walked with her to the car. She told me I did wonderfully. She took me out for ice cream. I met up with my friends. They were giggling and laughing. Was I the only one who remembered. I just decided to go with it. If this was a dream it was a pretty long and detailed one. It was a dream I didn’t want to wake up from because for the first time in a long time I was happy.
age regression
gender transformation
mtf transformation
gender change
reality alteration
reality warp
4 years, 5 months ago
28 Sep 2020 07:55 CEST
Initial: 0979fc5d29234aea4b5ed42ee4b90f6c
Full Size: e0c604f26f72a8296796e61829f16b46
Large: b3a3b494e245b6a55531a04470681260
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