Character Sheet for Hailun Liang
Character Description
Hailun is an average-sized yordle measuring approximately 85cm or about 2'9".His fur resembles the design of a real-world red panda. His clothing is a mixture of Hanfu era Chinese garments and more fantasy elements of Wuxia. He carries a Jian sword and a leather sheath on his back to hold it when it is not brandished.
Hailun is a no-nonsense person with little tolerance for procrastination. While he is obedient to his superiors, Hailun is not shy to speak up when orders do not make sense to him. Hailun acts on a firm sense of justice established by the scout's code. He is not selfish and always thinks of others before himself. Hailun only communicates when he has to but is otherwise keeps to himself. Many consider him to have a lone-wolf mentality. However, his sense of loyalty is unquestionable through his years of service. While he is respectful, those that know him to have to gain his trust. Hailun believes in action over words.
Hailun is from is originally from Bandle City in the world of Runeterra. He is a swordsman who was trained in combat by Kennen but learned magic from Lulu. He is a member of the elite squadron, the scouts of the Mothership, and defends the city from non-yordle invaders. He serves as the second in command under Teemo. It is his responsibility to both protect to maintain the gateways leading into the city. To those of Bandle City he is considered both a legend and myth.