I've mentioned this account before..but the whole reason why I've started drawing pokemon so much..made my own character..etc. Is mostly due to a series of stores. The latest story really had a nice scene.
For those who don't feel like reading it. Petie is the lil teddy bear (technically a teddiursa) while the big blue/grey critter is a sneazel named Huang. Petie is a teenager but his particular species remains small, cute, and chubby until he evolves (and he's smaller than normal). Add in a mother who couldn't stand to stop babying him..and you have a teenager with a lot of babyish tendancies.
Now take the teenager...and have his new auntie, who is extreemly motherly but unable to have children of her own...and have her take him to her orphanage..and you wind up with him eventually in an extreemly thick diaper, and a onesie. And he slowly discovers he's good with children, a sort of natural thing he can do.
In this case he's found an 8 year old boy...who really needed to let his sadness out....after a bit of time he's all nice and charmed by the teen..and a bit longer as the dam bursts as he hugs the lil toddlerish looking bear close to him. I couldn't resist but to at least try and draw the scene...so that's what i did. The darkness is there mostly because it was supposed to be in a dark supply closet...
Again pokemon..so very simplish figures...but I enjoyed it.