----- Dipper is brought back from the party room, and things do not go according to plan, for Samuelson.
----- Originally, I was going to have Dipper deny that Samuelson was responsible for the hazing, take his own punishment, and thus win Samuelson's heart, would would then get Dipper into an organization normally reserved for upper classmen.
However, lying to a superior officer would not be looked kindly on, I was told, so, I had to change it, without making Dipper look like a snitch. I did this by making Samuelson under suspicion already, unbeknownst to him. It was only Dipper's weakness to alcohol that broke the plans. Otherwise, Dipper would have slept through reveille and been brought up for disciplinary action. And Samuelson would have succeeded.
I was also given a better reward for Dipper, which will be revealed in the next installment.
It reminds me of how some of the characters in my story who are cubs in the year 1960 will be doing tours of duty in Vietnam during the years around 1970.
That is a good story. It reminds me of how some of the characters in my story who are cubs in the