Charlotte "Salad" Kolmberg is the older sister of Kelly Kolmberg, and the leader of the criminal gang know as the "Pound Pooches". After being convicted for several criminal offenses, Charlotte was sent off to serve a five year sentence at the Donver Isle Correctional Facility, more commonly known as "The Pound" due to it's almost entirely canine population. Charlotte quickly asserted herself as the biggest and baddest bitch in "The Pound" after dethroning the former "Queen" from her position of power. Charlotte earned her nickname "Salad" because of the initiation rite that she makes all the new inmates preform in order to show respect and loyalty to her once they are incarcerated in "The Pound". As you might be able to guess from her nickname, said initiation is to "toss Charlotte's salad", something that a few other inmates have grown to enjoy doing.'